Status: Version 0.14-alpha — Currently: missing core app features; in cross-browser and cross-device testing.
The goal of this project is to create a web application toolkit and framework that's built with the best in modern technology, test-driven and incorporates the modular approach to application design. This is also a very opinionated stack that focuses on an intimate alignment and integration with the needed components to build a successful web-app, rather than a mash-up disparate technologies.
- Client-side model (data object) manipulation API (IN PROGRESS)
- Click-event delegation (DONE)
- Date validation & format automation (DONE)
- Phone number validation & format automation (DONE)
- Time validation & format automation (ALMOST DONE)
- Basic alert functioning & management (DONE)
- Compass & Sass Driven (DONE)
- CSS Normalization (DONE)
- Grid system with two types (DONE)
- Typographic ruleset (DONE)
- Button styling and features (DONE)
- Primary, secondary and tertiary styles
- Group and button bar features
- Navigational styling and features (DONE)
- Horizontal style
- Vertical style
- Optional drop-down menu features
- Tab UI and IxD
- Basic form styling and features (DONE)
- Basic media queries (DONE)
- Tabbed UI (DONE)
- Helper Classes (DONE)
- Breadcrumbs
- Labels
- Panels
- Progress Bars
- Img Thumbnails
- Inline Lists
- Flexible Videos
- Modals with multiple, desktop sizes (DONE)
- Wayfinding navigation (section aware) (DONE)
- Alerts (DONE)
- Date Picker (DONE)
- Integrate CRUD API into demo.
- Complete and integrate angular model API into demo.
- Provide client-side routing demo.
- Highly advanced alert & notification system
- Angular integrated modal + content viewer (e.g. go to next or prev within modal)
- Custom multi-select integration
- Advanced multi-group toolbar integration
- More advanced responsiveness with JS and media queries
- Integrate scrolling animation to Wayfinder nav.
- Click driven popovers and tooltips
- Content carousel
- Image gallery/viewer
- Accordion
- Toolbar UI
- Improve responsiveness for mobile
- Responsive tables
- Make vertical tabs more mobile friendly version
- Make Wayfinder more mobile friendly version
- Collapsible Navigation
- Event Driven Notifications by User / Re-Useable Errors and Alerts (This will be a WIP for a bit)
- Must not be removed on close
- Custom notifications per page
- I would like to see it as a JS array
- Instantiated on the Layout Page
- Form validations (AngularJS handles validation natively)
- Validations that cross boundaries between PHP and Javascript
- Errors and notifications that are the same on both sides
- UI & Ix Framework based off of Zurb's Foundation
- HTML5 Boilerplate
- AngularJS seed
- jQuery with differing build versions
- Lo-Dash: A JS utility library
- Modernizr
- Waypoints Plugin
- Node.js & Grunt
- Compass and Sass
- Testacular & Jasmine
I'd like to thank all the teams responsible for the above listed technologies and their generous open-source philosophies. Because of these great people and their openness to sharing, we are allowed to stand on the shoulders of those that come before us. Thank you.