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Development: UI API

Sami Mokaddem edited this page Mar 10, 2021 · 18 revisions


The bootstrap-helper.js contains classes providing utility functions to create and interact with UI components such as modal or toast.

  • The UIFactory class: Exposes quick and easy to use functions for frequently used operations such as opening a toast or loading a modal from an URL
  • The Toaster class: Let you create bootstrap toasts and manipulate them
  • The ModalFactory class: Let you create bootstrap modals and manipulate them. It supports callback functions for various events and pre-build templates
  • The OverlayFactory class: Let you create overlays on top of existing element. It's usually use to give feedback or simply to tell users that an operation is in progress
  • The FormHelper class: Let you interact with a form validation state
  • The HtmlHelper class: Provides utility functions to build HTML (or jQuery objects) such as HTML tables from a configuration.

UIFactory usage

Exposes shorthand functions for frequently used operations such as opening a toast or loading a modal from an URL without the hurdle of instantiating an object

Create and open a toast

// toast(options)
    title: 'Title',
    body: 'Body',
    muted: 'Muted',
    variant: 'danger',
    delay: 20000

Create and open a modal

// modal(options)
    title: 'Title',
    bodyHtml: '<b>Body</b>',
    variant: 'danger',
    type: 'confirm-warning',
    cancelText: 'Dismiss modal',

Create and open a modal from a URL. Additionally, a reload URL can be passed to reload the table after a successful operation

// openModalFromURL(url, reloadUrl=false, tableId=false)
UI.openModalFromURL('/users/add', '/users/index', 'table-id-to-reload')

Create and open a modal from a URL where the modal's content is fetched from the provided URL. The callbacks functions will be fired upon modal submission

// modalFromURL(url, POSTSuccessCallback=function(){}, POSTFailCallback=function(){})
    () => {console.log('success')},
    () => {console.log('error')}

Fetch the content at the provided url and override the $container's content. $statusNode allows to specify another HTML node to display the loading animation

// reload(url, $container, $statusNode=null)
UI.reload('/users/index', $('#userIndexTableContainer'), $('#userIndexTable')).then(() => {
    console.log('reload complete')

Place an overlay onto a node and remove it whenever the promise resolves

// overlayUntilResolve(node, promise, overlayOptions={})
UI.overlayUntilResolve($('#userIndexTable'), AJAXApi.quickFetchURL('/users/index'), {text: 'Fetching user index'})
    .then(userHtml => {
    }.catch(error => {

Toaster usage

Usually UI.toast(options) should be used as it's basically a shorthand function for the operation below

const toast = new Toaster(options);
toast.makeToast() // build the toast HTML based on the provided options & append to the body      // Reveal the toast for the specified duration then remove it from the body

ModalFactory usage

Usually UI.modal(options) should be used as it's basically a shorthand function for the operation below

const modal = new ModalFactory(options);
modal.makeModal() // build the modal HTML based on the provided options, register listeners & append to the body      // Reveal the modal then remove it from the body after it's been hidden

Callback examples

  1. Confirm and Cancel
    title: 'Confirm?',
    confirm: () => { console.log('confirmed!') },
    cancel: () => { console.log('canceled') },
  1. APIConfirm and APIError

APIConfirm expects a function that behaves like the confirm option but exposes an AJAXApi object (where the $statusNode is linked to the modal's button) that can be used to issue requests

    title: 'Confirm?',
    APIConfirm: (api) => {
        return api.quickFetchURL('/foo/bar').then(html => {
    APIError: (closeModalFunction, modalFactory, evt) => {
        closeModalFunction() // close modal
        console.log('An error occurred during the submission')
  1. POSTSuccessCallback and POSTFailCallback

Internally relies on APIConfirm to POST the form contained in the modal. Must be used with the rawHtml function. POSTSuccessCallback expects a function to be called after the POST operation was a success.

    rawHtml: modalHTML,
    POSTSuccessCallback: (data) => {
    POSTFailCallback: (errorMessage) => {

OverlayFactory usage

Usually UI.overlayUntilResolve(node, promise, overlayOptions) should be used as it's basically a shorthand function for the operation below

const loadingOverlay = new OverlayFactory(document.getElementById('myButton'), {
    variant: 'warning',
    spinnerType: 'grow',
    spinnerSmall: true
setTimeout(() => {loadingOverlay.hide()}, 3000)

FormHelper usage

Provides a means to inject validation text inside a form

const formHelper = new FormValidationHelper(document.getElementById('myForm'))
    password: [
        'Password must be longer than 8 characters',
        'Password must match the confirm_password field'

HtmlHelper usage

Provides utility functions to build HTML (or jQuery objects) from a configuration

HTML table

// HtmlHelper.table(head=[], body=[], options={}) 
const $table = HtmlHelper.table(
    ['Header 1', 'Header 2'],
        ['Row 1.1', 'Row 1.2'],
        ['Row 2.1', 'Row 2.2'],
        small: true,
        hoverable: true,
        bordered: true,
        tableClass: ['m-0'],
        variant: 'warning',
        caption: 'Table caption'