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Merge pull request #100 from rav4kumar/do-not-use
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distance, tune,ui fix, revert angle later and df, Include Interceptor and LiveDash server
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rav4kumar authored Feb 3, 2021
2 parents 4c2a4cd + f635cca commit 19ac8b6
Showing 47 changed files with 1,256 additions and 118 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions .pre-commit-config.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- repo:
rev: master
rev: v3.4.0
- id: check-ast
- id: check-json
@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ repos:
- id: check-merge-conflict
- id: check-symlinks
- repo:
rev: master
rev: v0.800
- id: mypy
exclude: '^(pyextra)|(external)|(cereal)|(rednose)|(panda)|(laika)|(opendbc)|(laika_repo)|(rednose_repo)/'
additional_dependencies: ['git+']
- repo:
rev: master
rev: 3.8.4
- id: flake8
exclude: '^(pyextra)|(external)|(cereal)|(rednose)|(panda)|(laika)|(opendbc)|(laika_repo)|(rednose_repo)|(selfdrive/debug)/'
44 changes: 24 additions & 20 deletions Dockerfile.openpilot
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,28 +1,32 @@
FROM commaai/openpilot-base:latest


RUN mkdir -p /tmp/openpilot
ENV OPENPILOT_PATH /home/batman/openpilot/

COPY SConstruct \
.pylintrc \
.pre-commit-config.yaml \

COPY ./pyextra /tmp/openpilot/pyextra
COPY ./phonelibs /tmp/openpilot/phonelibs
COPY ./site_scons /tmp/openpilot/site_scons
COPY ./laika /tmp/openpilot/laika
COPY ./laika_repo /tmp/openpilot/laika_repo
COPY ./rednose /tmp/openpilot/rednose
COPY ./tools /tmp/openpilot/tools
COPY ./release /tmp/openpilot/release
COPY ./common /tmp/openpilot/common
COPY ./opendbc /tmp/openpilot/opendbc
COPY ./cereal /tmp/openpilot/cereal
COPY ./panda /tmp/openpilot/panda
COPY ./selfdrive /tmp/openpilot/selfdrive
COPY Pipfile Pipfile.lock $OPENPILOT_PATH
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir pipenv==2020.8.13 && \
pipenv install --system --deploy --dev --clear && \
pip uninstall -y pipenv


COPY ./pyextra ${OPENPILOT_PATH}/pyextra
COPY ./phonelibs ${OPENPILOT_PATH}/phonelibs
COPY ./site_scons ${OPENPILOT_PATH}/site_scons
COPY ./laika ${OPENPILOT_PATH}/laika
COPY ./laika_repo ${OPENPILOT_PATH}/laika_repo
COPY ./rednose ${OPENPILOT_PATH}/rednose
COPY ./tools ${OPENPILOT_PATH}/tools
COPY ./release ${OPENPILOT_PATH}/release
COPY ./common ${OPENPILOT_PATH}/common
COPY ./opendbc ${OPENPILOT_PATH}/opendbc
COPY ./cereal ${OPENPILOT_PATH}/cereal
COPY ./panda ${OPENPILOT_PATH}/panda
COPY ./selfdrive ${OPENPILOT_PATH}/selfdrive

WORKDIR /tmp/openpilot
RUN scons -j$(nproc)
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Dockerfile.openpilot_base
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
python-dev \
qt5-default \
qtmultimedia5-dev \
qtwebengine5-dev \
sudo \
valgrind \
wget \
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions cereal/log.capnp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1901,6 +1901,8 @@ struct Joystick {
# convenient for debug and live tuning
axes @0: List(Float32);
buttons @1: List(Bool);
enabled @2: Bool;
axesMode @3: List(Text);

struct OrbOdometry {
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions common/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ def __init__(self):
'keep_openpilot_engaged': Param(True, bool, 'True is stock behavior in this fork. False lets you use the brake and cruise control stalk to disengage as usual'),
#'lat_d': Param(9.0, VT.number, 'The lateral derivative gain, default is 9.0 for TSS2 Corolla. This is active at all speeds', live=True),
'limit_rsa': Param(False, bool, "Switch off RSA above rsa_max_speed"),
'interbridged': Param(False, bool, "ONLY USE IT FOR TESTING PURPOSE. You are responsible for your own action. we do not recommend using it if you don't know what youre doing"),
#'ludicrous_mode': Param(False, bool, 'Double overall acceleration!'),
'mpc_offset': Param(0.0, VT.number, 'Offset model braking by how many m/s. Lower numbers equals more model braking', live=True),
#'NoctuaMode': Param(False, bool, 'Noctua Fan are super quite and they run at full speed at all time.'),
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions common/params_pyx.pyx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ keys = {
b"CompletedTrainingVersion": [TxType.PERSISTENT],
b"DisablePowerDown": [TxType.PERSISTENT],
b"DisableUpdates": [TxType.PERSISTENT],
b"DistanceTraveled": [TxType.PERSISTENT],
b"DistanceTraveledEngaged": [TxType.PERSISTENT],
b"DistanceTraveledOverride": [TxType.PERSISTENT],
b"DoUninstall": [TxType.CLEAR_ON_MANAGER_START],
b"DongleId": [TxType.PERSISTENT],
b"GitBranch": [TxType.PERSISTENT],
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions panda/board/safety/safety_honda.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -235,22 +235,22 @@ static int honda_tx_hook(CAN_FIFOMailBox_TypeDef *to_send) {
accel = to_signed(accel, 11);
if (!current_controls_allowed) {
if (accel != 0) {
tx = 0;
tx = 1;
if (accel < HONDA_BOSCH_ACCEL_MIN) {
tx = 0;
tx = 1;

int gas = (GET_BYTE(to_send, 0) << 8) | GET_BYTE(to_send, 1);
gas = to_signed(gas, 16);
if (!current_controls_allowed) {
tx = 0;
tx = 1;
if (gas > HONDA_BOSCH_GAS_MAX) {
tx = 0;
tx = 1;

@@ -259,23 +259,23 @@ static int honda_tx_hook(CAN_FIFOMailBox_TypeDef *to_send) {
if (!current_controls_allowed) {
bool steer_applied = GET_BYTE(to_send, 0) | GET_BYTE(to_send, 1);
if (steer_applied) {
tx = 0;
tx = 1;

// Bosch supplemental control check
if (addr == 0xE5) {
if ((GET_BYTES_04(to_send) != 0x10800004) || ((GET_BYTES_48(to_send) & 0x00FFFFFF) != 0x0)) {
tx = 0;
tx = 1;

// GAS: safety check (interceptor)
if (addr == 0x200) {
if (!current_controls_allowed) {
if (GET_BYTE(to_send, 0) || GET_BYTE(to_send, 1)) {
tx = 0;
tx = 1;
10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion selfdrive/car/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -157,7 +157,15 @@ def fingerprint(logcan, sendcan, has_relay):
if len(candidate_cars[b]) == 1 and frame > frame_fingerprint:
# fingerprint done
car_fingerprint = candidate_cars[b][0]

elif len(candidate_cars[b]) < 4: # For the RAV4 2019 and Corolla 2020 LE Fingerprint problem
if frame > 180:
if any(("TOYOTA COROLLA TSS2 2019" in c) for c in candidate_cars[b]):
car_fingerprint = "TOYOTA COROLLA TSS2 2019"
if any(("TOYOTA COROLLA HYBRID TSS2 2019" in c) for c in candidate_cars[b]):
car_fingerprint = "TOYOTA COROLLA HYBRID TSS2 2019"
if any(("TOYOTA PRIUS 2017" in c) for c in candidate_cars[b]):
car_fingerprint = "TOYOTA PRIUS 2017"

# bail if no cars left or we've been waiting for more than 2s
failed = all(len(cc) == 0 for cc in candidate_cars.values()) or frame > 200
succeeded = car_fingerprint is not None
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions selfdrive/car/chrysler/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -22,10 +22,11 @@ def create_lkas_hud(packer, gear, lkas_active, hud_alert, hud_count, lkas_car_mo
# had color = 1 and lines = 1 but trying 2017 hybrid style for now.
if gear in (, GearShifter.reverse, GearShifter.low):
if lkas_active:
color = 2 # control active, display green.
lines = 6
color = 3 # 1 is white, 2 is green, 3 is active
lines = 6 # 1 is , 2 is left white, 3 is right white, 4 is left over line, 5 is left over line, 6 is both white, 7 is left active
# 8 is left active as well, 9 is right active, 10 is also right active, 11 is left over line, 12 is right over line
color = 1 # control off, display white.
color = 1 # display white.
lines = 1

values = {
10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion selfdrive/car/honda/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -180,6 +180,7 @@ def __init__(self, CP):
self.cruise_setting = 0
self.v_cruise_pcm_prev = 0
self.cruise_mode = 0
self.pcm_acc_active = False

self.lkMode = True
@@ -322,9 +323,16 @@ def update(self, cp, cp_cam, cp_body):
self.brake_switch_ts = cp.ts["POWERTRAIN_DATA"]['BRAKE_SWITCH']

ret.brake = cp.vl["VSA_STATUS"]['USER_BRAKE']
ret.cruiseState.enabled = cp.vl["POWERTRAIN_DATA"]['ACC_STATUS'] != 0
ret.cruiseState.available = bool(main_on)
ret.cruiseState.nonAdaptive = self.cruise_mode != 0
if not self.pcm_acc_active and cp.vl["POWERTRAIN_DATA"]['ACC_STATUS'] != 0:
self.pcm_acc_active = True
if not ret.cruiseState.available:
self.pcm_acc_active = False
if self.pcm_acc_active:
ret.cruiseState.enabled = ret.cruiseState.available
ret.cruiseState.enabled = cp.vl["POWERTRAIN_DATA"]['ACC_STATUS'] != 0

# afa feature
self.hud_lead = cp.vl["ACC_HUD"]['HUD_LEAD']
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions selfdrive/car/honda/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -534,8 +534,8 @@ def update(self, c, can_strings, dragonconf):

# events
events = self.create_common_events(ret, pcm_enable=False)
if not self.CS.lkMode or (dragonconf.dpAtl and ret.vEgo <= self.CP.minEnableSpeed):
#if not self.CS.lkMode or (dragonconf.dpAtl and ret.vEgo <= self.CP.minEnableSpeed):
if self.CS.brake_error:
if self.CS.brake_hold and self.CS.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl:
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion selfdrive/car/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ def get_std_params(candidate, fingerprint, has_relay):
ret.brakeMaxBP = [0.]
ret.brakeMaxV = [1.]
ret.openpilotLongitudinalControl = False
ret.startAccel = 1.2
ret.startAccel = 1.0
ret.minSpeedCan = 0.3
ret.stoppingBrakeRate = 0.2 # brake_travel/s while trying to stop
ret.startingBrakeRate = 0.8 # brake_travel/s while releasing on restart
52 changes: 32 additions & 20 deletions selfdrive/car/toyota/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -67,34 +67,46 @@ def get_params(candidate, fingerprint=gen_empty_fingerprint(), has_relay=False,
ret.longitudinalTuning.deadzoneBP = [0., 8.05]
ret.longitudinalTuning.deadzoneV = [.0, .14]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 5., 20.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [1.3, 1.0, 0.7]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 5., 12., 20., 27.] # 0, 11, 27, 45, 60
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [.35, .23, .20, .17, .1]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [0.5, 0.3, 0.1]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 5., 12., 20., 27.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [.4, .35, .3, .2, .1]
ret.stoppingBrakeRate = 0.16 # reach stopping target smoothly
ret.startingBrakeRate = 0.9 # release brakes fast
#ret.startAccel = 1.60 # Accelerate from 0 faster
stop_and_go = True
ret.safetyParam = 55
ret.wheelbase = 2.70002
ret.steerRatio = 13.4 # True steerRation from older prius
tire_stiffness_factor = 0.6371 # hand-tune
ret.mass = 3115. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
ret.steerActuatorDelay = 0.5
ret.steerActuatorDelay = 0.575
#ret.steerLimitTimer = 0.1 #5.0
#ret.steerRateCost = 0.25 #0.45
ret.steerLimitTimer = 5.0
ret.steerRateCost = 0.45
if prius_pid:
ret.lateralTuning.init('pid'),, = [[0.], [0.], [0.]], = [[0.21], [0.008]] = [0.00009531750004645412]
ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGainBP = [16.7, 25, 36.1]
ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGainV = [9.5, 15, 15]
ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGainBP = [16.7, 25, 36.1]
ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGainV = [9.5, 14.99, 14.99]
ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstantBP = [16.7, 16.71, 22, 22.01, 26, 26.01, 36, 36.01]
ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstantV = [0.5, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 5]
ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectivenessBP = [16.7, 25, 36.1]
ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectivenessV = [9.5, 15, 15]
ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGainBP = [18, 22, 26]
ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGainV = [9, 12, 15]
ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGainBP = [18, 22, 26]
ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGainV = [8, 11, 14.99]
ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstantBP = [18, 22, 26]
ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstantV = [1, 3 , 4.5]
ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectivenessBP = [18, 22, 26]
ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectivenessV = [9, 12, 15]
#ret.lateralTuning.init('indi') #really good tune from cgw.
#ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGainBP = [16.7, 25, 36.1]
#ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGainV = [9.5, 15, 15]
#ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGainBP = [16.7, 25, 36.1]
#ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGainV = [9.5, 14.99, 14.99]
#ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstantBP = [16.7, 16.71, 22, 22.01, 26, 26.01, 36, 36.01]
#ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstantV = [0.5, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 5]
#ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectivenessBP = [16.7, 25, 36.1]
#ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectivenessV = [9.5, 15, 15]

elif candidate in [CAR.RAV4, CAR.RAV4H]:
stop_and_go = True if (candidate in CAR.RAV4H) else False
@@ -264,22 +276,22 @@ def get_params(candidate, fingerprint=gen_empty_fingerprint(), has_relay=False,

elif candidate in [CAR.COROLLA_TSS2, CAR.COROLLAH_TSS2]:
stop_and_go = True
ret.safetyParam = 53
ret.safetyParam = 53
ret.wheelbase = 2.67
ret.steerRatio = 15.33
tire_stiffness_factor = 0.996 # not optimized yet
ret.mass = 3060. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
ret.steerActuatorDelay = 0.45
ret.steerActuatorDelay = 0.45
ret.steerLimitTimer = 5.0
ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGainBP = [18, 22, 26]
ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGainV = [5, 12, 15]
ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGainV = [9, 12, 15]
ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGainBP = [18, 22, 26]
ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGainV = [4, 11, 14.99]
ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGainV = [8, 11, 14.99]
ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstantBP = [18, 22, 26]
ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstantV = [2, 4, 5.5]
ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstantV = [1, 3 , 4.5]
ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectivenessBP = [18, 22, 26]
ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectivenessV = [5, 12, 15]
ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectivenessV = [9, 12, 15]

elif candidate in [CAR.LEXUS_ES_TSS2, CAR.LEXUS_ESH_TSS2]:
stop_and_go = True
10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion selfdrive/car/toyota/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ class CAR:
36: 8, 37: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 426: 6, 452: 8, 464: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 547: 8, 550: 8, 552: 4, 562: 6, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 705: 8, 740: 5, 767: 4, 800: 8, 835: 8, 836: 8, 849: 4, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 896: 8, 897: 8, 905: 8, 911: 1, 916: 2, 921: 8, 933: 6, 944: 8, 945: 8, 951: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 979: 2, 1005: 2, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1176: 8, 1177: 8, 1178: 8, 1179: 8, 1180: 8, 1181: 8, 1190: 8, 1191: 8, 1192: 8, 1196: 8, 1200: 8, 1201: 8, 1202: 8, 1203: 8, 1206: 8, 1227: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1264: 8, 1279: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1554: 8, 1555: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1558: 8, 1561: 8, 1562: 8, 1568: 8, 1569: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1584: 8, 1589: 8, 1592: 8, 1593: 8, 1595: 8, 1596: 8, 1597: 8, 1664: 8, 1728: 8, 1779: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
CAR.AVALON_2021: [{
36: 8, 37: 8, 114: 5, 170: 8, 180: 8, 186: 4, 355: 5, 426: 6, 452: 8, 464: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 544: 4, 550: 8, 552: 4, 562: 6, 608: 8, 610: 8, 643: 7, 705: 8, 728: 8, 740: 5, 761: 8, 764: 8, 767: 4, 800: 8, 810: 2, 812: 8, 822: 8, 824: 8, 829: 2, 830: 7, 835: 8, 836: 8, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 888: 8, 891: 8, 898: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 913: 8, 918: 8, 921: 8, 933: 8, 934: 8, 935: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 951: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 976: 1, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1002: 8, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1076: 8, 1077: 8, 1112: 8, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1227: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1263: 8, 1279: 8, 1412: 8, 1541: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1568: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1595: 8, 1745: 8, 1779: 8, 1786: 8, 1787: 8, 1788: 8, 1789: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
36: 8, 37: 8, 166: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 295: 8, 296: 8, 426: 6, 452: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 550: 8, 552: 4, 560: 7, 562: 6, 581: 5, 608: 8, 610: 8, 643: 7, 658: 8, 713: 8, 728: 8, 740: 5, 761: 8, 764: 8, 800: 8, 810: 2, 812: 8, 814: 8, 818: 8, 822: 8, 824: 8, 829: 2, 830: 7, 835: 8, 836: 8, 865: 8, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 888: 8, 889: 8, 891: 8, 896: 8, 898: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 913: 8, 918: 8, 921: 8, 933: 8, 934: 8, 935: 8, 942: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 950: 8, 951: 8, 953: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 971: 7, 975: 5, 983: 8, 984: 8, 993: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1002: 8, 1011: 8, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 1059: 1, 1071: 8, 1076: 8, 1077: 8, 1082: 8, 1084: 8, 1085: 8, 1086: 8, 1114: 8, 1132: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1227: 8, 1228: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1263: 8, 1264: 8, 1279: 8, 1412: 8, 1541: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1568: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1592: 8, 1593: 8, 1594: 8, 1595: 8, 1600: 8, 1649: 8, 1653: 8, 1654: 8, 1655: 8, 1696: 8, 1745: 8, 1779: 8, 1786: 8, 1787: 8, 1788: 8, 1789: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
# LE
@@ -378,10 +378,12 @@ class CAR:
(Ecu.esp, 0x7b0, None): [
(Ecu.dsu, 0x791, None): [
(Ecu.eps, 0x7a1, None): [
@@ -390,6 +392,7 @@ class CAR:
(Ecu.engine, 0x700, None): [
(Ecu.fwdRadar, 0x750, 0xf): [
@@ -719,6 +722,7 @@ class CAR:
b'\x02896630ZN8000\x00\x00\x00\x008966A4703000\x00\x00\x00\x00', # Brazil 2020 Corolla Hybrid FPv2 from berno22
@@ -734,6 +738,7 @@ class CAR:
b'\x018965B12490\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', # Brazil 2020 Corolla Hybrid FPv2 from berno22
(Ecu.esp, 0x7b0, None): [
@@ -1369,9 +1374,11 @@ class CAR:
(Ecu.engine, 0x7e0, None): [
(Ecu.esp, 0x7b0, None): [
(Ecu.eps, 0x7a1, None): [
@@ -1381,6 +1388,7 @@ class CAR:
(Ecu.fwdCamera, 0x750, 0x6d): [

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