Ever thought Sudoku could be a competitive game? Well, now it can be. This whole idea started during my Foundation of AI course at TU/e. We played around with some cool AI algorithms like minimax, heuristics, and Monte Carlo tree search. I thought, "Why not make this a real game?" So, here we are.
Competitive Sudoku is a two-player adversarial game. You and your opponent take turns, filling out a Sudoku grid. You score by completing rows, columns, or blocks. Finish the puzzle, and if you've got the most points, you win!
Here's the point breakdown:
Regions Completed | Points Scored |
0 | 0 |
1 | 1 |
2 | 3 |
3 | 7 |
Up Next: Gameboard generation, Game mode selection, Improved user/game management, Deployment, Enhanced frontend UI, etc.
New Laptop Git test
Dec 13, 2023: Got the AI microservice and Referee integrated to the game, and basic frontend completed. For now, you can play it with AI visually through your browser.
Aug 24, 2023: Got the basics down, but there's a lot more to come (you'll see some TODOs in the code). For now, you can give it a try on WebSocket tools like WebSocketKing.