The core jhplot library of the DMelt project
This library is a core of the DMelt - a free mathematics software for numeric computation, statistics, symbolic calculations, data analysis and data visualization. It links various components of the DataMelt libraries maintained by the jWork.ORG.
To compile the jhplot package into jhplot.jar, you need to download DataMelt from the DMelt web site and extract the "lib" directory. Put this directory inside the jhplot directory (where is located). Make sure that the ant buid tool is installed.
Get this package: wget unzip
Add additional third-party libraries from DMelt:
wget -O unzip;
Copy these libraries:
cp -rf dmelt/lib dmelt_jhplot-master/
Assuming you have the "lib" directory, build the project:
cd dmelt_jhplot-master/ ant ant run
The last command runs a simple Java example showing a log scale for a canvas filled with random numbers.
- Now you can move the created file under DMelt location:
cp jhplot.jar ../dmelt/lib/system/
and you can start the DMelt as (or dmelt.bat)
This version of jhplot is licensed under the GNU public license and included in the community edition of DMelt. A version with more permissive license is available from the DMelt web page.
S.Chekanov DMelt (