Imarc Boilerplate is a light, customizable frontend starter kit and component library. It helps jumpstart and optimize frontend development. With its light design and lack of rigid grid framework, we are able to port it to various creative designs.
Supported Browsers: IE11+, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.
To get started working with Boilerplate, you should have node
Installing node
will automatically give you npm
. Alternatively, if you have Homebrew,
you can install node
via Homebrew.
npm install
npm run watch
The npm run watch
command will watch all your files and run BrowserSync, both compiling
SCSS and reloading your browser on any changes.
After launching, view in your browser at localhost:3000.
An important goal of Boilerplate is to build internal HTML and SCSS conventions. If everyone working on a project knows Boilerplate is the foundation, then our HTML and SASS will be clean and consistent.
Boilerplate is not meant to be the final look and feel that a site would launch with. It is meant to act a placeholder that
- Serves as the starting point for frontend development.
- Provides a client-friendly appearance that isn’t distracting that we can use for prototypes and sites in progress.
- Has tolerable defaults for elements that might not be styled in the normal build-out of a project (tables, typographical elements like sup/sub/pre, etc.)
Boilerplate aims to be lighter and more semantic than other frameworks such as Bootstrap. We try to avoid using non-semantic class names when we can, which means that we do not have a grid system. Boilerplate is meant to encourage great markup.
Boilerplate is ready for the mobile world. It was built to be ‘mobile first’ from the ground up. We have basic small, medium, and large breakpoint styles.
Components are pre-defined user
interface elements that web authors can use as a starting point during frontend
development. Most of these are powered via SASS mixins found in the
file. Some components also rely on JavaScript plugins in
addition to or instead of the mixins. Relevant JavaScript is found in the js
Include _components.scss
into your styles.scss
file. All component mixins
should be called from the main styles.scss
Some components have default SASS keyword arguments. These can and should be overridden to better achieve your design. For example, the tiles component is a multi-row layout, similar to a grid. By default, including the tiles mixin will result in a four column layout with 2rem-wide gutter spacing.
@mixin tiles($gutter: 2rem, $columns: 4) { … }
Pass in values of your choice.
.products {
@include tiles($gutter: 66px, $columns: 3)
The _components.scss
file can be edited on a project-by-project basis in order to best
fit your project. If your new or modified components are different than what came
“out of the box”, please comment above each relevant mixin. Ask yourself “Would another
Imarc engineer be able to quickly understand what my project’s component does?” If the answer
is no, comment and describe.
Example of an extended component
.tiles {
@include tiles($gutter: 6rem, $columns: 3);
> * {
background-color: $brand-blue;
border-left: 6px solid #FFF;
border-right: 6px solid #FFF;
color: #FFF;
margin-bottom: 2rem;
h3 {
background-color: $brand-blue-dark;
color: $brand-blue-light;
display: inline-block;
font-size: 1rem;
margin-bottom: 0.5rem;
text-transform: uppercase;
Components are not perfect and will need continual maintenance and improvement. If you feel a Component needs attention, please create a pull request with your improvements, or submit an issue.
Documentation for Components is generated using SassDoc and can be viewed online.
If you make changes to Components’ code, you can regenerate the documentation by running
npm run docs
Items worth calling out in Boilerplate’s stylesheet:
Boilerplate makes wide use of SASS variables. Declare variables at the top of the
file. These will certainly change per project. Note, media
query breakpoint values are used here as well:
$medium: 669px;
$large: 1024px;
Sass mixins are important and live in their own section. Some heavily used mixins are:
and .button
are used to style primary call-to-action anchors and buttons.
and .container
are used to identify elements that should match the width of the
page. .container
should not be used for styling. It is a dedicated site container class.
Our site container is 1200 pixels wide (1150 pixels after left and right padding).
and .columns
make direct children behave as columns, as a cleaner alternative to
defining classes such as .one_of_three
, or .second.fifth
. To create gutters between columns,
use hr
elements. This is a semantically appropriate use of the hr tag, and allows for greater
flexibility in controlling and styling the gutter. By default, these gutters are 16px wide.
and .group
are used to make sure the container clears all of its floated children.
They are a cleaner alternative to empty clearfix div elements.
removes default styling to ordered/unordered lists.
This section contains the majority of a project’s styles. Need to set the widths for main
elements? This goes in Layout. Styling a featured blog post callout? Put it
in Layout.
and .highlight
are two semantic classes:
- Intro is used to identify a section or paragraph of introductory, overview, or abstract content before the main content.
- Highlight is used to for callouts or highlighting specific snippets of text.
Boilerplate uses Font Awesome for iconography. Use the dedicated @fontawesome
mixin or utilize official Font Awesome markup:
<i class="fa fa-caret-square-o-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>
This section is used for marking up server generated success, info, and error messages, as well as help messages typically found in forms.
We utilize three breakpoints – small, medium, and large. Please keep all media query properties in this area. WHhile there can be benefits of breaking in and out of media queries throughout a stylesheet, we have no yet standardized a way that is helpful for all engineers.
Boilerplate is released under the Apache License v2.0. See LICENSE.