Parallel reactive synthesis for omega-regular specifications under the transition fairness condition
To use this project you must download the Genie repository and then compile it according to the instructions. Then run:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -Dgenie_HOME=/path/to/genie/ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/libraries/
cd ..
Note: the paths should be specified as aboslute paths. The flag -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
is needed when the libraries (cudd, sylvan, hoaf) are installed in location other than /usr/local/
Now this project is compiled and can be used.
To create documentation run:
cd docs
export genie_HOME=/path/to/genie/
and now documentation can be found in docs/html/index.html
A draft version of our CAV '23 can be obtained from this link, while the artefact with virtual machine can be found at this link.
You can obtain the draft of our TACAS '22 submission along with the artifact in this link. We tested the artifact on the virtual machine provided by the TACAS '22 AE Committee. To generate the results, you need to simply extract the file within the virtual machine, and then follow the instructions provided in the Readme.txt file.