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Using Callbacks

chrilith edited this page Mar 14, 2016 · 3 revisions

Some API methods use a callback to notify the script of a change in the state of the devices. This section describe their signatures and how they work.

Working with Callbacks

Starting with v0.7.0, there are 3 ways to handle callbacks in your scripts. You can change this mode using the setMode() method. Prior to this version only the CBM_DIRECT mode was used.

-- Convenience variable
local CONST = passerelle;

-- This is the default mode

-- Declare a callback
function pageChanged(model, index, page, activate)
    -- Do something here

-- Register the callback for the first FIP
passerelle.registerPageCallback("SFIP", 1, pageChanged);

Callback Modes

Value Constant Description
1 CBM_DIRECT default mode, direct call to the callback from a different thread
2 CBM_EVENT event-based call using poll()
3 CBM_FSUIPC FSUIPC specific call, still need a call to poll()

Changing Mode

You have now the choice to use a synchronous handling of callbacks. For this, just change the mode to CB_EVENT. This mode can also be used with FSUIPC if you are not using event.offset().

-- Use synchranous handling

while true do
    -- Execute callbacks if any

    -- Do something in your main loop

    -- Wait a bit to save CPU usage

FSUIPC Specific Handling

In FSUIPC, you can register for an event on a specific address using event.offset(). In this case the code is still very simple.


-- Keep the callback registration here

-- Handling of offset events
function offsetHandler(offset, value)
    if (offset == 0x736D) then

-- Register the handler
event.offset("0x736D", "UB", offsetHandler);

Callback Signatures

function PageCallback(model, index, page, activate)

Called for every page change event. There is no down/up notification, only a key-presses notification. This function will be called with activate to false if a page were previously active and a second time with activate to true for the page to be activated unless the activated page is the FIP demo page.

Parameter Type Description
model char(4) model code
index integer(1..n) index of the device of type model
page integer numerical value to identify the page
activate boolean has the page been activated

function SoftButtonCallback(model, index, state)

Called for every button event. There is a notification for every down and up state change.

Parameter Type Description
model char(4) model code
index integer(1..n) index of the device of type model
state integer bits mask representing the buttons state

function DeviceChangeCallback(model, index, added)

Called when a supported device is added or removed from the computer.

Parameter Type Description
model char(4) model code
index integer(1..n) index of the device of type model
added boolean true is a device is added
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