uv run fastapi_server.py
curl -X POST https://verifiers-weathered-glitter-8347.fly.dev/verify \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"verifier": "morse_code",
"feedback": true,
"args": {
"original_text": "HELLO WORLD",
"verify_mode": "encode"
"text": ".... . .-.. .-.. --- / .-- --- .-. .-.. -.."
curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/verify \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"verifier": "morse_code",
"feedback": true,
"args": {
"original_text": "HELLO WORLD",
"verify_mode": "encode"
"text": ".... . .-.. .-.. --- / .-- --- .-. .-.. -.."
curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/verify \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"verifier": "morse_code",
"feedback": true,
"args": {
"original_text": ".... . .-.. .-.. --- / .-- --- .-. .-.. -..",
"verify_mode": "decode"
"text": "HELLO WORLD"
curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/verify \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"text": "There once was a fellow named Lee\nHe was stung on the arm by a bee\nHe jumped with a start\nThen soon had a fart\nAnd happily ended up free",
"verifier": "limerick",
"feedback": true
curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/verify \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"text": "<think>The sum of 3 and 4 is calculated by adding the two numbers together. 3 + 4 equals 7.</think><answer>7</answer>",
"verifier": "reasoning_format",
"feedback": true
curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/verify \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"text": "\\(\\boxed{4}\\)",
"verifier": "boxed_answer",
"feedback": true,
"args": {
"gold_solution": "\\(\\boxed{4}\\)"
curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/verify \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"text": "Here is my final solution: <verifier_answer>4</verifier_answer>",
"verifier": "verifier_answer",
"feedback": true,
"args": {
"gold_solution": "4"
uv run cli.py samples/math/valid_boxed_answer.txt --verifier=boxed_answer --feedback --gold_solution="(\boxed{4})" uv run cli.py samples/math/invalid_boxed_answer.txt --verifier=boxed_answer --feedback --gold_solution="(\boxed{4})"
uv run cli.py samples/reasoning/verifier_answer/valid_verifier_answer.txt
uv run cli.py samples/reasoning/verifier_answer/invalid_verifier_answer.txt
uv run cli.py samples/reasoning/reasoning_format/valid_reasoning_format.txt --verifier=reasoning_format --feedback uv run cli.py samples/reasoning/reasoning_format/invalid_reasoning_format.txt --verifier=reasoning_format --feedback
uv run cli.py samples/poetry/haikus/valid_haiku.txt --verifier=haiku --feedback uv run cli.py samples/poetry/haikus/invalid_haiku.txt --verifier=haiku --feedback uv run cli.py samples/poetry/haikus/granite_haiku.txt --verifier=haiku --feedback uv run cli.py samples/poetry/haikus/phi4_haiku_.txt --verifier=haiku --feedback
uv run cli.py samples/poetry/limericks/valid_limerick.txt --verifier=limerick --feedback uv run cli.py samples/poetry/limericks/invalid_limerick.txt --verifier=limerick --feedback
uv run cli.py samples/poetry/rhymes/valid_rhyme.txt --verifier=rhyme --feedback uv run cli.py samples/poetry/rhymes/invalid_rhyme.txt --verifier=rhyme --feedback
uv run cli.py samples/poetry/tankas/good_tanka.txt --verifier=tanka --feedback uv run cli.py samples/poetry/tankas/invalid_tanka.txt --verifier=tanka --feedback
Your poem scored {score:0.50}, below the threshold of 1. The verifier’s feedback was:
- Line count check passed (5 lines).
- A-rhyme check failed (lines 1,2,5).
- B-rhyme check passed (lines 3,4).
- Lines 1,2,5 syllable check failed: (Line1=7, Line2=10, Line5=12) Expected 7-11. ...
Please revise your poem to address these issues, but keep the style/theme.
Your poem scored {score:1.00}, meeting the threshold of 1. The verifier’s feedback was:
- Line count check passed (5 lines).
- A-rhyme check passed (lines 1,2,5).
- B-rhyme check passed (lines 3,4).
- Syllable count check passed.
Score: 1.00 Feedback:
- Line count check passed (5 lines).
- A-rhyme check passed (lines 1,2,5).
- B-rhyme check passed (lines 3,4).
- Syllable count check passed.
Your limerick scored {score:0.75}, below the threshold of 1. The verifier’s feedback was:
- Line count check passed (5 lines).
- A-rhyme check failed (lines 1,2,5).
- B-rhyme check passed (lines 3,4).
- Syllable count check passed. ...
Please revise your limerick to address these issues, but keep the style/theme.
Your limerick scored {score:0.50}, below the threshold of 1. The verifier’s feedback was:
- Line count check passed (5 lines).
- A-rhyme check failed (lines 1,2,5).
- B-rhyme check failed (lines 3,4).
- Syllable count check passed. ...
Please revise your limerick to address these issues, but keep the style/theme.
Your limerick scored {score:0.75}, below the threshold of 1. The verifier’s feedback was:
- Line count check passed (5 lines).
- A-rhyme check passed (lines 1,2,5).
- B-rhyme check passed (lines 3,4).
- Lines 1,2,5 syllable check failed: (Line1=10, Line2=12, Line5=10) Expected 7-11. ...
Please revise your limerick to address these issues, but keep the style/theme.
Your limerick scored {score:0.75}, below the threshold of 1. The verifier’s feedback was: Feedback:
- Line count check passed (5 lines).
- A-rhyme check passed (lines 1,2,5).
- B-rhyme check passed (lines 3,4).
- Lines 1,2,5 syllable check failed: (Line1=9, Line2=12, Line5=10) Expected 7-11. ...
Please revise your limerick to address these issues, but keep the style/theme.