Curated list of resources
- Neural networks class - Université de Sherbrooke ; Hugo Larochelle - Basic approaches, CRFS, RBMs, Autoencoders, Vision, NLP, Sparse coding
- A guide to convolution arithmetic for deep learning - A good guide to various elements of convNets.
- Autograd github - Autograd - efficiently compute derivates of python and numpy code
- Yandex Deep learning - Yandex deep learning repository
- Deep Learning Summer School
*Tensorflow for deep learning research - Standford course on tensorflow. Lecture slides only.
- Deep nlp pipeline - Good overview of sota deep nlp approach
- Stanford Deep NLP - Deep NLP course with lecture videos.
- UCL gatsby unit repository - Large amount of foundational papers in Variational Bayes
*Toronto Differentiable Inference course - Lecture notes only, advanced course covering VAEs, GANs etc.
- kvfrans VAE introduction - Basic overview of VAEs
- Wiseodds blog on VAE - More mathematical introduction to VAEs
- Shakrim's blog on reparameterisation trick - Useful discussion on reparamerterising trick which is used in VAEs.
- VAEs - What is VAE tutorial.
- Statistical Rethinking in PyMC3 github - Bayesian statistics & modelling
- Bayesian Neural Network introduction - Introduction to edward and bayesian neural networks
- Harvard AM207 - Advanced course surveying variety of ML methods. Lecture notes only.
- Ghahramani. Course on ML and non-parametric bayes
- Cambridge Proababilistic Machine Learning
- What is the ROC curve - Good explanation of what the ROC curve is.
- Python to Numpy - Excellent book on numpy and efficient python. Worth a read even for experienced users
- Python Plotting for Exploratory Data Analysis - Python plotting for EDA
- AM207 Stochastic Methods for Data Analysis, Inference and Optimization - MCMC, HMM, HMC etc.
- Kalman filters repo - Lots of smoothing and bayesian filtering code.
- Machine Learning for Healthcare - MIT course 2017. Lecture notes only.