NOTE: This example has been abandoned until further resources can be allocated.
This example will walk through the steps necessary to use BOSH with Cinderella. This is not a best practice but instead is a proof of concept to illustrate Cinderella's EC2 capabilities.
Cloud Foundry BOSH is an open source tool chain for release engineering, deployment and lifecycle management of large scale distributed services.
- An AWS (Amazon Web Services) account.
- A account.
- A vCloud Director org with credentials.
- A Mac or *nix computer with the following installed:
- Ruby 1.9+ and rubygems 1.8+
- Java 1.6+
- Maven 3.0.4+
From command line:
$ gem install bosh_deployer
To verify the install,
$ bosh help
The Micro BOSH instance will be setup on EC2.
Create a key pair and name it "bosh".
Create a security group called "bosh" with the following opened ports:
- 22
- 2825
- 4222
- 6868
- 25250
- 25555
- 25777
- 25888
Allocate an Elastic IP for the micro bosh instance.
Third, create supporting directory structure:
$ mkdir ~/deployments
$ cd ~/deployments
$ mkdir aws
Create ~/deployments/aws/micro_bosh.yml
using the following template:
name: aws
level: DEBUG
type: dynamic
vip: x.x.x.x
persistent_disk: 20000
instance_type: m1.small
availability_zone: sa-east-1a
plugin: aws
access_key_id: YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID
secret_access_key: YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
default_key_name: bosh
default_security_groups: ["bosh"]
ec2_private_key: ~/.ssh/bosh
address: x.x.x.x
address: x.x.x.x
address: x.x.x.x
Make the following changes to the template:
- Replace all instances of 'x.x.x.x' with the Elastic IP address you allocated above.
- Update YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID and YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to match your AWS credentials.
- Update the default_key_name and ec2_private_key to match yours.
- Update the availability zone and endpoint settings to match your availability zone. For instance, if you deploy to us-east-1 you should set the availability zone to either us-east-1a or us-east-1b.
At this point, you're ready to start the deployment of the micro bosh to AWS. Make sure you're in the deployments directory you created above:
$ cd ~/deployments
Select the deployment you've created:
bosh micro deployment aws
Note: don’t be concerned by seemingly inaccurate message WARNING! Your target has been changed to `http://aws:25555!
Start the deployment using the AMI from the BOSH AMIs section below:
bosh micro deploy ami-xxxxxxxx
- ap-northeast-1: ami-7656eb77
- ap-southeast-1: ami-64d59436
- eu-west-1: ami-874c4af3
- sa-east-1: ami-6280597f
- us-east-1: ami-69dd6900
- us-west-1: ami-4f3e1a0a
- us-west-2: ami-7ac7494a
Within 20 minutes your instance of micro BOSH will be deployed. After the ‘Done’ message appears, you have a running micro BOSH instance.
Target the newly deployed micro bosh, again substituting 'x.x.x.x' with your Elastic IP address:
$ bosh target http://x.x.x.x:25555
Login to the micro bosh using the default credentials (admin/admin):
$ bosh login
Then get the status of the micro bosh:
$ bosh status
Follow the Getting Source, Build and Configuration steps in the Cinderella
- Create a single vm vApp and install java on it.
- Use scp to upload the
to it. - Start Cinderella via:
java -jar cinderella.jar &
If you decide to hack on Cinderella and you want to push the changes to CloudFoundry:
$ cd /path/to/cinderella
$ mvn clean package
$ vmc update cinderella --path cinderella-web/target/cinderella.jar
Uploading Application:
Checking for available resources: OK
Processing resources: OK
Packing application: OK
Uploading (15M): OK
Push Status: OK
Stopping Application 'cinderella': OK
Staging Application 'cinderella': OK
Starting Application 'cinderella': OK
In order to leverage Cinderella's orchestration of vCloud resources, we need to update the micro bosh and point it to Cinderella instead of the existing EC2 endpoint.
Start by ssh'ing to the micro bosh running in EC2:
$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/YOUR_KEYPAIR_NAME.pem vcap@YOUR_ELASTIC_IP
Change to root user:
$ sudo su -
The default root password is c1oudc0w
Now edit /var/vcap/jobs/director/config/director.yml.erb
and update the "cloud:" section at the bottom:
plugin: aws
ntp: []
plugin: simple
endpoint: 'http://YOUR_ELASTIC_IP:25250'
user: agent
password: agent
mbus: nats://nats:nats@YOUR_ELASTIC_IP:4222
access_key_id: YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY
secret_access_key: YOUR_AWS_SECRET_KEY
default_key_name: YOUR_KEYPAIR_NAME
default_security_groups: []
endpoint: http://YOUR_ELASTIC_IP:25777
user: admin
password: admin
Save your changes, then restart the director:
$ monit restart director
At this point, the BOSH commands you issue from the cmd line will call into Cinderella with EC2 calls and in turn, issue vCloud Director API calls to your vCloud.