Stripe-Exports helps you download and export subscriber & customer data from your Stripe account.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Install dependencies via npm
npm i
Before start you need to update Stripe keys in config.json with yours. Go grab your keys here:
"dev": {
"stripe_key": "YOUR_STRIPE_DEV_KEY"
"prod": {
"stripe_key": "YOUR_STRIPE_LIVE_KEY"
Stripe-Exports utilizes yargs to provide a meaningful CLI interface. You can get help by using --help option.
node subscribers --help
Option | Description |
-c, --config | Path for the config file. Default is ./config.json. Don't forget to see your keys here |
-e, --env | Choose your environment. This loads environment data from config.json [choices: "dev", "test", "prod"] |
-s, --status | (optional) The status of the subscriptions to retrieve. [choices: "all", "active", "canceled", "incomplete", "incomplete_expired", "trialing", "past_due", "unpaid"] |
-b, --before | (optional) Gets the previous pages before the given subscription. |
-a, --after | (optional) Gets the pages after the given subscription. |
-l, --limit | (optional) A limit on the number of objects to be returned. The default is 100. |
node subscribers -e prod -l 500 -s active
==> [11:13:27.519] Using the prod as config
==> [11:13:27.587] Stripe initialized with the prod token
==> [11:13:27.591] Starting to download all subscribers for in "active" statuses
==> [11:13:27.591] Getting the page 1 with 100 records
==> [11:13:29.493] Getting the page 2 with 100 records after subscription: sub_Gabcdefghijklm
==> [11:13:31.166] Getting the page 3 with 100 records after subscription: sub_Gabcdefghijkln
==> [11:13:32.733] Getting the page 4 with 100 records after subscription: sub_Gabcdefghijkl0
==> [11:13:35.486] Getting the page 5 with 100 records after subscription: sub_Gabcdefghijklp
==> [11:13:36.874] Total subscribers: 500
==> [11:13:36.874] Mapping & stripping subscribers data to fit custom objects
==> [11:13:36.878] Total 500 records mapped
==> [11:13:36.884] All subscribers data is saved as subscribers.csv
==> [11:13:36.884] (◕‿◕) I'm done here, bye bye...
- Improve mapping of some customers data by honoring rate-limits
- Fields selection
- Download all customers with customers.js
Circleboom is a "Social Media Management" tool which enables users, brands, and SMBs to grow and strengthen their social network. As we're on our road to become a Multi Social Account Management tool, currently we primarily focus on Twitter and create sophisticated yet easy to use tools for it.