Instructions for Eclipse:
- In the Project Explorer go to "New" --> "Project" Select "Dynamic Web Project".
- Name the project "ECommerce".
- Target runtime must be Apache Tomcat v8.0 (Create a new Runtime if necessary).
- Select version 3.1 or above for the Dynamic Web module version.
- Press Next, and in the Build path's Source Folder selection, remove all the folders and add a "src" folder.
- Press Next, and in the Web Module settings: Leave the Context root as "ECommerce" Change the Content directory to "WebContent" Press Finish.
- Right-click the Project and select "Build Path" --> "Configure Build Path".
- Make sure the selected JRE System Library is one you have installed on your IDE (is not "unbound"), else: Remove it. Select "Add Library" --> "JRE System Library" --> "Workspace default JRE" or "Alternate JRE" (A good example of a correct JRE in an amd64-based device can be java-11-openjkd-amd64).
- Apply and Close.