Key Changes
- Asynchronous FL (SDK, control plane): Asynchronous FL algorithm/mechanism is implemented. Examples for Async FL are added in the library (lib/python/flame/examples/{async_hier_mnist, async_mnist}) and in the control plane example folder (flame/examples/asyncfl_hier_mnist).
- FedProx (SDK): FedProx algorithm is implemented in the python library.
- Add tensorflow support for FedYogi, FedAdam, and FedAdaGrad
- Building of flame base image changed from CPU version to cude 11.3 version
- Fiab diagnosis script (control plane): A basic script to obtain the log information on fiab environment’s status is implemented.
- Bugfix on local DNS setup in linux (fiab): Under different distributions, local DNS setup fails. A bugfix for this is added. Test is done under ubuntu and archlinux.
- Configurable Deployer (control plane): deployer can take a different job template file via configuration. All the command-line arguments are replaced with a configuration file.
- Documentation (doc): update documentation to setup fiab cluster locally and flame SDK guide.
What's Changed
- misc: base image update by @myungjin in #302
- misc: fix flame slack workspace link error by @myungjin in #303
- doc: fiab guide revision by @myungjin in #304
- doc: refactor fiab instructions by @myungjin in #307
- documentation for running python locally relocated by @GustavBaumgart in #310
- medmnist example update by @GustavBaumgart in #312
- misc: add license header by @myungjin in #314
- misc: refactor restapi error message handling by @myungjin in #313
- example and documentation for medmnist keras/pytorch by @GustavBaumgart in #320
- feat+fix: grpc support for hierarchical fl by @myungjin in #321
- documenation for metaserver by @GustavBaumgart in #322
- feat: asynchronous fl by @myungjin in #323
- fix+refactor: asyncfl loss divergence by @myungjin in #330
- fix: conflict bewtween integer tensor and float tensor by @myungjin in #335
- refactor: config for hybrid example in library by @myungjin in #334
- misc: asynchronous hierarchical fl example by @myungjin in #340
- chore: clean up examples folder by @myungjin in #336
- fix: workaround for hybrid mode with two p2p backends by @myungjin in #345
- fix: distributed mode by @myungjin in #344
- example/implementation for fedprox by @GustavBaumgart in #339
- Create diagnose script by @alexandruuBytex in #348
- refactor+fix: configurable deployer / lib regularizer fix by @myungjin in #351
New Contributors
- @GustavBaumgart made their first contribution in #310
Full Changelog: v0.1.7...v0.2.0