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Home Assistant NETGEAR Plus Switches Integration

Warning for users of version <= v0.6.1 installed through HACS

Due to the renaming of the integration and the repository, HACS gets confused and installs the new version next to the old one instead of replacing the old version. Please remove the old version first before installing the latest release.

What it does

Grabs statistical network data from supported NETGEAR Switches from the Plus Managed Network Switch line. These switches can only be managed using a Web interface and not through SNMP or cli. This integration uses web scraping to collect the switch configuration, statistics and some basic configuration updates.

How it works

  1. Detecting Switch Model/Product in login.cgi
  2. Connects to the Switch and asks for a cookie (http://IP_OF_SWITCH/login.cgi)
  3. HTTP-Request send to the Switch twice (http://IP_OF_SWITCH/portStatistics.cgi) and compared with previous data ("in response time")

Which entities

  • overall Switch statistics as attributes
    • Diagnostic Sensor: switch_ip - IP of the Switch
    • Diagnostic Sensor: response_time_s - Response time of two requests send to the Switch to calculate the traffic speed
    • ...
  • statistics for each Port (8 Ports for GS108Ev3) as attributes
    • port_{port}_receiving - receiving traffic on {port} in MB/s
    • port_{port}_total_received - total received traffic on {port} in MB
    • port_{port}_total_transferred - total transferred traffic on {port} in MB
    • ...
  • status for each port
    • Binary Sensor: port_{port}_status - port cable connected/disconnected
    • Sensor: port_{port}_connection_speed - port transmission speed (100M/1000M)

List of port sensors

Sensor Name Platform mapped key from get_switch_infos() Unit
Port {port} Traffic Received SENSOR port_{port}_traffic_rx_mbytes MB (in response time)
Port {port} Traffic Transferred SENSOR port_{port}_traffic_tx_mbytes MB (in response time)
Port {port} Receiving SENSOR port_{port}_speed_rx_mbytes MB/s
Port {port} Transferring SENSOR port_{port}_speed_tx_mbytes MB/s
Port {port} IO SENSOR port_{port}_speed_io_mbytes MB/s
Port {port} Total Received SENSOR port_{port}_sum_rx_mbytes MB (since last switch reboot/reset)
Port {port} Total Transferred SENSOR port_{port}_sum_tx_mbytes MB (since last switch reboot/reset)
Port {port} Connection Speed SENSOR port_{port}_connection_speed MB/s
Port {port} Status BINARY_SENSOR port_{port}_status "on"/"off"
Port {poe_port} POE Power SWITCH port_{poe_port}_poe_power_active "on"/"off"

List of aggregated sensors

Sensor Name Platform mapped key from get_switch_infos() Unit
Switch IO SENSOR sum_port_speed_bps_io MB/s
Switch Traffic Received SENSOR sum_port_traffic_rx MB (in response time)
Switch Traffic Transferred SENSOR sum_port_traffic_tx MB (in response time)

Supported and tested NETGEAR Models/Products and firmware versions

Model Ports Firmware versions Bootloader versions
GS105E 5 ?
GS105Ev2 5 V1.6.0.15 V1.4.0.5-VB
GS105PE 5 V1.6.0.17 V1.6.0.2-VB
GS108E 8 V1.00.11 V1.00.03
GS105Ev3 5 ?
GS108Ev3 8 V2.00.05, V2.06.10, V2.06.17, V2.06.24 V2.06.01 - V2.06.03
GS108Ev4 8 V1.0.1.3
GS108PEv3 8 V2.06.24 V0.00.00
GS110EMX 10 V1.0.2.8
GS116Ev2 16 ? ?
GS305E 5 V1.0.0.16 V1.0.0.2
GS305EP 5 V1.0.1.1
GS305EPP 5 V1.0.1.4
GS308E 8 V1.00.11 V1.00.03
GS308EP 8 V1.0.0.10, V1.0.1.4
GS308EPP 8 V1.0.1.4
GS316EP 16 V1.0.4.4
GS316EPP 16 V1.0.4.4
JGS516PE 16 V2.6.0.48
JGS24Ev2 24 V2.6.0.48
XS512EM 12 V1.0.2.8

Supported firmware languages: GR (German), EN (English)

Unsupported models

Model Support status
JGS524PE See #93
MS108EUP See #91

Do you have a NETGEAR Plus switch model that is currently not supported, open a GitHub issue. The actual API to the switch is implemented in the py-netgear-plus library. Are you willing to contribute, please read the instruction on adding your model to this library and create a pull request for py-netgear-plus first.

How to integrate in Home Assistant

Open your Home Assistant instance and open a repository inside the Home Assistant Community Store.

  1. In your Home Assistant instance, goto HACS (Search: ">hacs")
  2. Click on the right corner on the vertical dots and select "Custom Repositories"
  3. Add "" as Integration

After adding the integration go to Add Integration and select NETGEAR Plus.

Lovelace examples

Example with ha-sankey-chart


Example with mini-graph-card


type: custom:mini-graph-card
  - entity: sensor.gs108ev3_192_168_178_8_port_1_io
    show_points: false
    name: QNAP
  - entity: sensor.gs108ev3_192_168_178_8_port_2_io
    show_points: false
    name: P2
  - entity: sensor.gs108ev3_192_168_178_8_port_3_io
    show_points: false
    name: rpi4-001
  - entity: sensor.gs108ev3_192_168_178_8_port_4_io
    show_points: false
    name: Telefon
  - entity: sensor.gs108ev3_192_168_178_8_port_5_io
    show_points: false
    name: Unraid
  - entity: sensor.gs108ev3_192_168_178_8_port_6_io
    show_points: false
    name: Drucker
  - entity: sensor.gs108ev3_192_168_178_8_port_7_io
    show_points: false
    name: Beelink (HA)
  - entity: sensor.gs108ev3_192_168_178_8_port_8_io
    show_points: false
    name: HomeOffice und WLAN
hours_to_show: 0.1
points_per_hour: 1000
name: - GS108Ev3 Büro
line_width: 1
animate: true

API Level

Create a python virtual environment

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install py-netgear-plus

Using this VENV go to your local source folder

Example calls

cd src
ip = '' # replace with IP address of your switch
p = 'fyce4gKZemkqjDY' # replace with your password
import py_netgear_plus
sw = py_netgear_plus.NetgearSwitchConnector(ip, p)

data = sw.get_switch_infos()
sw.turn_off_poe_port(1) # Supported only on PoE capable models