PyMicroArray is a set of scripts written to aid in the data retrieval and analysis of micro-array expression data. A variety of code snippets which can be used from data pulling to analysis are made open-source. This might save biologist from a lot of manual effort and save the time needed.
- Python 2.7.(Anaconda Distribution)
- Numpy, Scipy, Pandas and Matplotlib.
|OS Linux|Machine|OptiPlex 7010 (OptiPlex 7010)|64 bits|RAM 8GiB|
CPU : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
Python Version and Major Packages:
Python 2.7.13 |Anaconda custom (64-bit)
This code base contains various programs for data retireval, cleaning filtering and analysis.
PyMicroArray/to find miRNAs of target genes from mirtarbase/
To find the microRNAs regulating the target genes from the MIRTARBASE local database. Given the MIRTARBASE local database and a gene list, this program can findout all down regulated genes from the MIRTARBASE which is in the given gene list.
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv('hsa_MTI_MIRTARBASE_DB_7.0.csv').iloc[:,[0,1,3,4]]
genes = pd.read_csv('RR_total_downregulated_gene_list.txt').values.flatten()
result = data[data['Target Gene'].isin(genes)]
result.to_csv('DownRegulatedGene_MiRNA.csv', sep=',')
The MIRTARBASE local database is available in the file hsa_MTI_MIRTARBASE_DB_7.0.csv. We can select the only required fields by specifying the columns needed in the iloc field. The result will be saved as a CSV file as given in the last line.
PyMicroArray/to extract TSG & oncogenes from database
This code snippet finds common genes between two data sets and saves the same to a text file. The name of column in which gene name come can be specified in the program. If no common element is found then that is displayed as a message.
import pandas as pd
data1 = pd.read_csv("Human_TSGs_TSG2.0_database.csv")["GeneSymbol"]
data2 = pd.read_csv("DEGs_SRR926257.csv")["gene_id"]
common = set(data1).intersection(data2)
outfile = open('TSGs_in_DEGs_SRR926257.txt', 'w')
if bool(common):
outfile.write("No Common Genes Found")
This code can filter a dataset with a coloumn matching a key term. Here we want to extract the rows which match/contain the term hsa-miR-103a-. The extracted data is saved into a file in CSV format.
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv("Mirtarbase_human_interactions_database.csv")
result = pd.DataFrame()
match = data.miRNA.str.contains('^hsa-miR-103a-')
result = data[match]
result.to_csv('mirtarbase_miR-103a.csv', sep=',')
Given a list of items in an excel file (miRNA_to_find_TF.xlsx) whose data is to be fetched from Reg Network online. This program does the same and saves each result as a CSV file.
import pandas as pd
import urllib
import time
testfile = urllib.URLopener()
searchterms = pd.read_excel(open('miRNA_to_find_TF.xlsx','rb'), sheetname=0)['miRNA']
for item in searchterms:
#URL = '*+FROM+human+WHERE+%28%28UPPER%28target_symbol%29+in+%28%27'+item+'%27%29+OR+UPPER%28target_id%29+in+%28%27'+item+'%27%29%29%29+AND+%28evidence+%3D+%27Experimental%27%29+ORDER+BY+UPPER%28regulator_symbol%29+ASC'
URL = '*+FROM+human+WHERE+%28%28UPPER%28target_symbol%29+in+%28%27'+item+'%27%29+OR+UPPER%28target_id%29+in+%28%27'+item+'%27%29%29%29+AND+%28evidence+%3D+%27Experimental%27%29+ORDER+BY+UPPER%28regulator_symbol%29+ASC'
testfile.retrieve(URL, item+".csv")
This finds multiple occurances of a gene and finds the average value of control and treated expression for each gene. The result is exported into a spreadsheet.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from pandas import ExcelWriter
data = pd.read_excel(open('Proteome_data_cell_fractions_combined.xlsx','rb'),\
columns = ['UNIPROT', 'SYMBOL', 'GENENAME', 'UNTREATED', 'VEGF', 'Ratio', 'FC']
result = pd.DataFrame(columns = columns)
genes = list(set(data['SYMBOL'].values))
for gene in genes:
row = data[data['SYMBOL']==gene]
repeat = row.shape[0]
if repeat>1:
Vc = np.mean(row['VEGF'])
V6 = np.mean(row['UNTREATED'])
if V6==0:
Ratio ='Inf'
Fc ='Inf'
Ratio = Vc/V6
Fc = np.log2(Ratio)
value = [row['UNIPROT'].values[0], gene, row['GENENAME'].values[0], V6, Vc, Ratio, Fc]
result.loc[len(result)] = value
row = row.values[0].tolist()
if row[-2]==0:
Ratio ='Inf'
Fc ='Inf'
Ratio = row[-1]/row[-2]
Fc = np.log2(Ratio)
row = row+[Ratio, Fc]
result.loc[len(result)] = row
writer = ExcelWriter('Proteome_Profile_MeanCalculated_FC.xlsx')
This code adds a flag 'Regulated' to the output to classify genes based on their regulation level into Up/Down. A Z score cutoff of 1.65 equivalent to 95% CI is used for this purpose.
import pandas as pd
cutoff = 1.65
table = pd.read_csv('plosone.csv')
data = table['HUVEC']
table['zscore'] = (data - data.mean())/data.std(ddof=0)
table.loc[table['zscore'] > cutoff, 'Regulation'] = 'UP'
table.loc[table['zscore'] < -1*cutoff, 'Regulation'] = 'Down'
table.to_csv('Regulation.csv', sep=',', index = False)
Given a set of genes check for its presece in local NCBI data set and retreive only necessary details. Here Homo_sapiens.csv is the local NCBI data. GSE837_DEGs_GSEA.xlsx contains the list of genes to be checked.
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv('Homo_sapiens.csv', low_memory=False)
data = data[['Symbol', 'Synonyms', 'type_of_gene']]
genes = pd.read_excel(open('GSE837_DEGs_GSEA.xlsx','rb'),\
col = ['Symbol', 'Synonyms', 'type_of_gene']
result = pd.DataFrame(columns = col)
for index, row in data.iterrows():
if row.values[1]!='-':
line = row.values[0]+'|'+row.values[1]
line = row.values[0]
line = line.split('|')
for gene in genes:
if gene in line:
result.loc[len(result)] = row.values
writer = pd.ExcelWriter('GSE837_DEGs_GSEA_Genetype_Out.xlsx')
This python program fetch the official names of the genes from NCBI website given its gene id.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import requests
import time
import re
genes = np.loadtxt('input_hsa-miR-103a-3p.txt')
col = ['Id', 'Official Full Name']
result = pd.DataFrame(columns = col)
link = ''
for gene in genes:
page = requests.get(link+str(int(gene)))
if page.status_code == 200:
content = page.content
content = content.replace('\n','')
if content.find('Full Name</dt>'):
location = content.find('Full Name</dt>')
term = content[location:location+100]
if'(.*)(<dd>)(.*)(<span)(.*)', term ):
name'(.*)(<dd>)(.*)(<span)(.*)', term )
attribute =
attribute = 'multiple hits'
attribute = 'nofield'
attribute = 'NA'
result.loc[len(result)] = [str(int(gene)), attribute]
print str(gene)+'\t'+attribute
result.to_csv('Output_hsa-miR-103a-3p.csv', sep=',', index = False)
This code is to fetch the details genetype (coding/non-coding) of the given Entrez gene ids from NCBI local database. It requires the Homosapiens downloaded database in Excel format in the same folder. This code will fetch the details for all the input files kept in the same folder and output will be named automatically.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from os import listdir, curdir, path
data = pd.read_excel(open('Homo_sapiens.xlsx','rb'), sheetname=0)
data = data[['GeneID','type_of_gene']]
col = ['id', 'attribute']
files = listdir(curdir)
for file in files:
if '.txt' in file:
genes = np.loadtxt(file)
result = pd.DataFrame(columns = col)
for gene in genes:
result.loc[len(result)] = data[data['GeneID'] == gene].values[0]
result.to_csv(path.splitext(file)[0]+'_Out.csv', sep=',', index = False)
Given a list of genes and their log fold change values, this program looks if a given gene name is reapeated more than once. If yes, the same is replaced with average log fold change value.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from pandas import ExcelWriter
from time import time
import progressbar
InputFileName = 'GEO2R ANALYSIS GSE81465.xlsx'
data = pd.read_excel(open(InputFileName,'rb'), sheet_name=0, index=False)
result = pd.DataFrame(columns = data.columns)
genes = list(set(data['Gene.symbol'].values))
count = 0
L = len(genes)
with progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=L) as bar:
for gene in genes:
row = data[data['Gene.symbol']==gene]
repeat = row.shape[0]
if repeat>1:
Fc = np.mean(row['logFC'])
value = [row['Gene.symbol'].values[0], Fc]
result.loc[len(result)] = value
result.loc[len(result)] = row.values[0]
writer = ExcelWriter(InputFileName.split('.')[0]+'_Output.xlsx')
Given a dataset, it filters the dataset based on a P-value threshold. Here the data set is given as an excel file and the P value threshold is less than or equal to 0.005. The filtered rows of input data is saved in excel format.
import pandas as pd
xl = pd.ExcelFile("Book5.xlsx")
data = xl.parse("Sheet1")
datan = data[data['P.Value']<=0.005].dropna()
writer = pd.ExcelWriter('output_pvalue-0.005.xlsx')
This code reads all CSV files available in the current location and combines all of them into a single CSV file.
import pandas as pd
import glob, os
df = pd.concat(map(pd.read_csv, glob.glob(os.path.join('', '*.csv'))))
df.to_csv('mixeddB.csv', sep=',')
Sajil C. K.,
Research Scholar,
Dept. of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics,
University of Kerala, Kerala-695581, India.
Email : [email protected]