- Go to nodejs.org/download and install node.js for your computer
- Click `Download Zip` in the corner of this page, and save the zip file on your desktop
- Unzip the zip file
- Open the file called `essay.html` in a text editor
- Copy and paste your essay as directed
- in between `` and ``
- place `
` at the start of every paragraph and `
` at the end of every paragraph. Be sure to leave a space between `` and the end of your sentence! (I could probably fix this, but I am too busy/lazy at the moment) - Replace all `'` in your paper with `'`. If any other weird things show up in your print preview (step 10), use [this](http://www.ascii.cl/htmlcodes.htm) chart to fix them.
- in between `
- Open `Command Prompt` (Windows) or `Terminal` (Mac/Linux)
- Run the following command: `cd Desktop/number-essay-master`
- Run this command too: `npm install`
- Then this command: `node withpipes.js`
- You should get a happy message in the terminal telling you that everything worked. If not, you have broken everything and there is no hope of (not really)
- Open the file `pipedessay.html` in your web browser of choice (but chrome or firefox are the only acceptable choices (for life, not this specifically))
- Print and Enjoy! (Don't forget to write your last name and page number in the corner. I fix one problem to create another, because that's how I role.)
- If you have made it this far without failure, you are now an html/node/commandline master!
I made a few changes to make the final text easier to read, but I have yet to hear back from Decker if it's enough or not. If you can actually get this code to work (It's not very user-friendly, sorry), you may risk a lower grade in exasperating her with your crazy essay, unless I fix the formatting later. :)