Azure module to deploy an Azure Stop/Start workbook with an Automation account.
Supported Azure resources which can be managed by this module:
- Azure Virtual Machine (both Linux or Windows)
- Azure Kubernetes Service cluster
- Azure MySQL Flexible Server
Module version | Terraform version | OpenTofu version | AzureRM version |
>= 8.x.x | Unverified | 1.8.x | >= 4.0 |
>= 7.x.x | 1.3.x | >= 3.0 | |
>= 6.x.x | 1.x | >= 3.0 | |
>= 5.x.x | 0.15.x | >= 2.0 | |
>= 4.x.x | 0.13.x / 0.14.x | >= 2.0 | |
>= 3.x.x | 0.12.x | >= 2.0 | |
>= 2.x.x | 0.12.x | < 2.0 | |
< 2.x.x | 0.11.x | < 2.0 |
If you want to contribute to this repository, feel free to use our pre-commit git hook configuration which will help you automatically update and format some files for you by enforcing our Terraform code module best-practices.
More details are available in the file.
This module is optimized to work with the Claranet terraform-wrapper tool
which set some terraform variables in the environment needed by this module.
More details about variables set by the terraform-wrapper
available in the documentation.
locals {
mysql_id = "/subscriptions/12345678-abcd-1111-2222-000000000000/resourceGroups/rg-app-dha-dev/providers/Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/mydha"
vm_id = "/subscriptions/12345678-abcd-1111-2222-000000000000/resourceGroups/dha-test/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/dhavm"
aks_id = "/subscriptions/12345678-abcd-1111-2222-000000000000/resourcegroups/rg-kub-dha-dev/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/aks-kub-dha-euw-dev"
module "stop_start" {
source = "claranet/automation-stop-start/azurerm"
version = "x.x.x"
location = module.azure_region.location
location_cli = module.azure_region.location_cli
location_short = module.azure_region.location_short
client_name = var.client_name
environment = var.environment
stack = var.stack
resource_group_name =
automation_account = {
id =
schedules = {
start = {
action = "start"
schedule_days = [
schedule_hour = 20
schedule_minute = 54
schedule_timezone = "Romance Standard Time"
target_resources_ids = [
stop = {
action = "stop"
schedule_days = [
schedule_hour = 21
schedule_minute = 2
schedule_timezone = "Romance Standard Time"
target_resources_ids = [
logs_destinations_ids = [,,
extra_tags = {
foo = "bar"
resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "automation_vm" {
scope = local.vm_id
principal_id = module.stop_start.identity_principal_id
role_definition_name = "Virtual Machine Contributor"
resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "automation_mysql" {
scope = local.mysql_id
principal_id = module.stop_start.identity_principal_id
role_definition_name = "Contributor"
resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "automation_aks" {
scope = local.aks_id
principal_id = module.stop_start.identity_principal_id
role_definition_name = "Contributor"
Name | Version |
azapi | ~> 2.0 |
azurecaf | ~> 1.2.29 |
azurerm | ~> 4.0 |
local | ~> 2.4 |
Name | Source | Version |
diagnostics | claranet/diagnostic-settings/azurerm | ~> 8.0 |
Name | Type |
azapi_resource.automation_connection | resource |
azapi_update_resource.workflow_init | resource |
azapi_update_resource.workflow_update | resource |
azurerm_automation_account.main | resource |
azurerm_automation_runbook.main | resource |
azurerm_logic_app_workflow.main | resource |
azurerm_role_assignment.main | resource |
azurecaf_name.api_connection | data source |
azurecaf_name.automation | data source |
azurecaf_name.runbook | data source |
azurecaf_name.workflow | data source |
azurerm_subscription.main | data source |
local_file.main | data source |
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
api_connection_custom_name | Custom API connection name, generated if not set. | string |
"" |
no |
automation_account | The ID of an existing Automation account. If null , a new Automation account will be created. |
object({ |
null |
no |
client_name | Client name/account used in naming. | string |
n/a | yes |
custom_name | Custom Automation account name, generated if not set. | string |
"" |
no |
default_tags_enabled | Option to enable or disable default tags. | bool |
true |
no |
diagnostic_settings_custom_name | Custom name of the diagnostic settings, name will be default if not set. |
string |
"default" |
no |
environment | Project environment. | string |
n/a | yes |
extra_tags | Additional tags to add on resources. | map(string) |
{} |
no |
identity | Identity block information. | object({ |
{} |
no |
location | Azure region to use. | string |
n/a | yes |
location_cli | Short string for Azure location in CLI format. | string |
n/a | yes |
location_short | Short string for Azure location. | string |
n/a | yes |
logs_categories | Log categories to send to destinations. | list(string) |
null |
no |
logs_destinations_ids | List of destination resources IDs for logs diagnostic destination. Can be Storage Account , Log Analytics Workspace and Event Hub . No more than one of each can be set.If you want to use Azure EventHub as a destination, you must provide a formatted string containing both the EventHub Namespace authorization send ID and the EventHub name (name of the queue to use in the Namespace) separated by the | character. |
list(string) |
n/a | yes |
logs_metrics_categories | Metrics categories to send to destinations. | list(string) |
null |
no |
name_prefix | Optional prefix for the generated name. | string |
"" |
no |
name_suffix | Optional suffix for the generated name. | string |
"" |
no |
rbac_assignment_enabled | Enable RBAC assignment, allows Automation account to trigger Logic App. | bool |
true |
no |
resource_group_name | Name of the Resource Group. | string |
n/a | yes |
runbook_custom_name | Custom runbook name, generated if not set. | string |
"" |
no |
schedules | Map of schedule objects. | map( |
n/a | yes |
sku_name | The SKU name of the Automation account. | string |
"Basic" |
no |
stack | Project Stack name. | string |
n/a | yes |
workflow_custom_name | Custom workflow name, generated if not set. | string |
"" |
no |
Name | Description |
id | Azure Stop/Start Automation ID. |
identity_principal_id | Azure Stop/Start Automation identity principal ID. |
module_diagnostics | Diagnostic settings module outputs. |
name | Azure Stop/Start Automation name. |
resource | Azure Stop/Start with Automation resource object. |