Finding classes that interest you, help you graduate and fit your schedule can be a pain. Classmere's iPhone app helps Oregon State students search for cool classes and manage their courseload.
- State: production (App Store)
- Point People: @rutgerfarry, @brandonlee503
- CI:
First, ensure you have Xcode installed from the App Store, then run the
following two commands to install the Xcode command line tools and bundler
if you haven't dont so already.
gem install bundler
xcode-select --install
The following commands will set up and launch Classmere, assuming bundler
and Xcode are installed. You will be prompted for a Google Maps API key. If
you don't have one, just type something in and the app will run, but the maps
won't show any features.
git clone
cd ios
bundle install
bundle exec fastlane keys
open Classmere.xcworkspace