Make synthetic seismograms using Axitra. The easy way™.
(c) 2020-2021 Claudio Satriano
Clone or download this repository, then from within the main repository directory, run:
pip install .
You can also install in editable mode (for developers), with:
pip install -e .
To generate a sample set of config files:
axirunner -s
The sample config files should be (hopefully) self-explanatory.
To run, using a config file:
axirunner -c <CONFIGFILE>
To get help:
axirunner -h
Only the "moment" version of Axitra is currently supported and only for double-couple sources.
Take a look here.
If you used this package or the original Axitra for a scientific publication, please cite the following paper:
Cotton, F., & Coutant, O. (1997). Dynamic stress variations due to shear faults in a plane-layered medium. Geophysical Journal International, 128(3), 676–688, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246x.1997.tb05328.x.