Releases: clbn/dracula-gemini
1.1.1 (27 Dec 2024)
1.1.0 (31 Oct 2024)
Revise lists and adjust headers:
New leaner implementation for lists, including OL, UL and tasks
- The code is much simpler
- Fixed indentation bugs
- Improved style for checkboxes and completed tasks
- Made the indent 1.5 times deeper -
Subtle heading adjustment (needed after the app update)
1.0.7 (2 Oct 2023)
1.0.6 (11 Feb 2023)
Add task list support ffe80f3
Both ordered and unordered task lists, at least 3 levels deep.
Add missing checked/done style for OL tasks 2d4c046
In default theme, UL tasks (
- [x] Fix it
) are rendered with a strikethrough and muted color, but OL tasks (1. [x] Fix it
) are not. This adds the same style to the OL tasks. -
Override text selection color e1ffff8
1.0.5 (29 Jan 2023)
1.0.4 (24 Jan 2023)
Fine-tune lists.
1.0.3 (22 Jan 2023)
1.0.2 (16 Jan 2023)
Update colors for Mobile app.
1.0.1 (26 Nov 2022)
Add Dracula colors for code blocks.
Seems like the tokens in Obsidian CSS and Dracula spec don't match 100%, but this is my best shot.
1.0.0 for 1.0.0 (15 Oct 2022)
Rather a remake than just a migration, the new DG for Obsidian 1.0+ is rebuilt from the ground up.