This 42 project aims to implement a IPv4 traceroute binary.
You may compile ft_traceroute
by running cmake
You need to be root
or use sudo
in order to use ft_traceroute
Usage: ft_traceroute [-hnIT] [-q nqueries] [-f first_ttl] [-m max_ttl] [-p port] host [packet_size]
-h : Display usage
-n : No name lookup for host address
-I : Use ICMP echo for probes
-T : Use TCP sync for probes
-q : Number of probe number per hop. Default is 3. Max is 10
-f : TTL value at start. Default is 1
-m : Max TTL value. Default is 30
-p : Port
For UDP probe : initial port and is incremented at each probe
ICMP probe : initial sequence value
TCP probe : constant port value
Packet size. From 0 to MTU value minus headers.
MTU value is usually 1500