An Elixir API wrapper for the Stories API (
Read docs
Stories gathers everything that happens regarding a user on a timeline, so you can understand what is going on and take action in the right direction.
Add stories
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:stories, "~> 0.1.0"}
Add your Stories API key to your config.ex
import Config
config :stories,
acccess_token: "asdfqwer1234"
Get list of users:
iex> users = Stories.User.list()
iex> [%Stories.User{}] = users
Create an event:
iex> event = Stories.Event.create(%{
...> user_id: "f3111ed7-9372-453e-8838-19ab2de8adc0",
...> name: "A developer tested the Elixir Stories API wrapper"
...> })
iex> %Stories.Event{} = event