A simple to use blazor component to draw a signature. It supports both mouse and touch inputs and works on Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly.
See a live demo right here on github.
You can install from Nuget using the following command:
Install-Package Blazor.SignaturePad
Or via the Visual Studio package manger.
Start by adding the following using statement to your root _Imports.razor
@using SignaturePad
Next you should define a property in your class. For example:
public class MyInput
public byte[] Signature { get; set; } = Array.Empty<byte>();
You can then use it wherever you want.
<SignaturePad @bind-Value="Input.Signature" />
The control provides you the image data as base64 byte[]
To get the image, you'll need to convert to byte[]
into a string. For example:
public class MyInput
public byte[] Signature { get; set; }
public string SignatureAsBase64 => System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Signature);
You can configure the SignaturePad by providing a SignaturePadOptions
instance to the component.
<SignaturePad @bind-Value="Input.Signature" Options="_options" />
@code {
public MyInput Input { get; set; } = new();
private SignaturePadOptions _options = new SignaturePadOptions
LineCap = LineCap.Round,
LineJoin = LineJoin.Round,
LineWidth = 20
You can customize the looks of SignaturePad by either overriding the CSS classes or by specifiying your own classes.
For the SignaturePad itself you can use the Class
parameter and for the button to clear the SignaturePad you can use the ClearButtonClass