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Merge pull request #1475 from hanizang77/250224-1
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Enhance K8s UpgradeCluster to upgrade both control plane and node poo…
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powerkimhub authored Mar 6, 2025
2 parents 20ab7df + f1b9516 commit 65c87d0
Showing 1 changed file with 131 additions and 12 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -798,24 +798,121 @@ func (ClusterHandler *GCPClusterHandler) UpgradeCluster(clusterIID irs.IID, newV
hiscallInfo := GetCallLogScheme(ClusterHandler.Region, call.CLUSTER, clusterIID.NameId, "UpgradeCluster()")

parent := getParentClusterAtContainer(projectID, zone, clusterIID.NameId)
rb := &container.UpdateMasterRequest{
MasterVersion: newVersion,

// 현재 클러스터 버전 확인
currentCluster, err := ClusterHandler.ContainerClient.Projects.Locations.Clusters.Get(parent).Do()
if err != nil {
return clusterInfo, fmt.Errorf("Failed to get current cluster version: %v", err)

start := call.Start()
op, err := ClusterHandler.ContainerClient.Projects.Locations.Clusters.UpdateMaster(parent, rb).Do()
hiscallInfo.ElapsedTime = call.Elapsed(start)
// 이미 원하는 버전으로 업그레이드되었다면 노드 풀만 업그레이드
if currentCluster.CurrentMasterVersion == newVersion {
cblogger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Control plane is already at version %s, skipping control plane upgrade", newVersion))
} else {
// 기존 컨트롤 플레인 업그레이드 로직
rb := &container.UpdateMasterRequest{
MasterVersion: newVersion,

start := call.Start()
op, err := ClusterHandler.ContainerClient.Projects.Locations.Clusters.UpdateMaster(parent, rb).Do()
hiscallInfo.ElapsedTime = call.Elapsed(start)
if err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("Failed to UpgradeCluster: %v", err)
return clusterInfo, err

// WaitContainerOperationDone 함수 사용 (20분 타임아웃)
operationErr := WaitContainerOperationDone(ClusterHandler.ContainerClient, projectID, region, zone, op.Name, GCP_CONTAINER_OPERATION_UPDATE_CLUSTER, 1200)
if operationErr != nil {
return clusterInfo, operationErr

// 컨트롤 플레인 업그레이드 후 클러스터 상태 확인
updatedCluster, err := ClusterHandler.ContainerClient.Projects.Locations.Clusters.Get(parent).Do()
if err != nil {
return clusterInfo, fmt.Errorf("Failed to get cluster after master upgrade: %v", err)

// 컨트롤 플레인 버전이 실제로 업그레이드 되었는지 확인
if updatedCluster.CurrentMasterVersion != newVersion {
return clusterInfo, fmt.Errorf("Control plane upgrade not complete. Current version: %s, Expected: %s",
updatedCluster.CurrentMasterVersion, newVersion)
cblogger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Control plane upgraded successfully to version %s", newVersion))

// 업그레이드 재시도 로직
maxRetries := 10
retryInterval := 120
backoffFactor := 1.5

currentInterval := retryInterval
for i := 0; i < maxRetries; i++ {
hasActive, err := ClusterHandler.hasActiveOperations(projectID, zone, clusterIID.NameId)
if err != nil {
return clusterInfo, err

if !hasActive {
break // 진행 중인 작업이 없으면 계속 진행

if i == maxRetries-1 {
return clusterInfo, fmt.Errorf("Cluster has active operations after %d retries", maxRetries)

cblogger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Cluster has active operations, waiting %d seconds before retry (%d/%d)",
currentInterval, i+1, maxRetries))
time.Sleep(time.Duration(currentInterval) * time.Second)

// 지수 백오프 적용
currentInterval = int(float64(currentInterval) * backoffFactor)

// 노드풀 리스트 조회
cblogger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Fetching node pools for cluster: %s", clusterIID.NameId))

nodePools, err := ClusterHandler.ContainerClient.Projects.Locations.Clusters.NodePools.List(parent).Do()
if err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("Failed to UpgradeCluster : %v", err)
err := fmt.Errorf("Failed to list Node Pools: %v", err)
return clusterInfo, err
return clusterInfo, err // 노드풀 리스트 조회 오류 시 clusterInfo 반환

operationErr := WaitContainerOperationFail(ClusterHandler.ContainerClient, projectID, region, zone, op.Name, GCP_CONTAINER_OPERATION_UPDATE_CLUSTER)
if operationErr != nil {
return clusterInfo, err
// Worker Node(노드풀) 업그레이드 기능
for _, nodePool := range nodePools.NodePools { // 각 노드풀을 순회하며 업그레이드
// cblogger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Upgrading Node Pool: %s", nodePool.Name))
cblogger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Upgrading Node Pool: %s to version %s", nodePool.Name, newVersion))

nodePoolParent := fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s/clusters/%s/nodePools/%s", projectID, zone, clusterIID.NameId, nodePool.Name)
nodePoolRequest := &container.UpdateNodePoolRequest{
NodeVersion: newVersion, // 각 노드풀의 버전 변경 요청

// 업그레이드 요청 전에 로그 추가
cblogger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Sending upgrade request for Node Pool: %s with path: %s", nodePool.Name, nodePoolParent))

nodeOp, err := ClusterHandler.ContainerClient.Projects.Locations.Clusters.NodePools.Update(nodePoolParent, nodePoolRequest).Do()
if err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("Failed to Upgrade Node Pool: %v", err)
return clusterInfo, err // 노드풀 업그레이드 실패 시 clusterInfo 반환

// GCP 업그레이드 요청 완료 로그
cblogger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Upgrade request sent for Node Pool: %s, Operation Name: %s", nodePool.Name, nodeOp.Name))

// WaitContainerOperationDone 함수 사용 (20분 타임아웃)
operationErr := WaitContainerOperationDone(ClusterHandler.ContainerClient, projectID, region, zone, nodeOp.Name, GCP_CONTAINER_OPERATION_UPGRADE_NODES, 1200)
if operationErr != nil {
return clusterInfo, operationErr

cblogger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Node Pool %s upgrade completed", nodePool.Name))

return ClusterHandler.GetCluster(clusterIID)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1393,3 +1490,25 @@ func (ClusterHandler *GCPClusterHandler) ListIID() ([]*irs.IID, error) {
return iidList, nil

// 클러스터에 진행 중인 작업이 있는지 확인하는 함수
func (ClusterHandler *GCPClusterHandler) hasActiveOperations(projectID, zone, clusterName string) (bool, error) {
listOperationsParent := fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s", projectID, zone)

// 진행 중인 작업 목록 조회
operations, err := ClusterHandler.ContainerClient.Projects.Locations.Operations.List(listOperationsParent).Do()
if err != nil {
return false, err

// 클러스터와 관련된 진행 중인 작업 검색
clusterPattern := fmt.Sprintf("/clusters/%s/", clusterName)
for _, op := range operations.Operations {
if strings.Contains(op.TargetLink, clusterPattern) && op.Status != "DONE" {
cblogger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Found active operation: %s, status: %s", op.Name, op.Status))
return true, nil

return false, nil

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