✨ New Features
- auto changelog action added (commit by @theprashantyadav)2f22836
- added dependabot.yml (commit by @theprashantyadav)2ef1d80
- added dependabot.yml (commit by @theprashantyadav)8ba4314
- added dependabot.yml (commit by @theprashantyadav)ca0f67c
- add deepsource & added assignees,reviewer in dependabot (commit by @Tanveer143s)b1654dd
- add deepsource & added assignees,reviewer in dependabot (commit by @Tanveer143s)9625565
- feature weighted and other record policies (commit by @anmolnagpal)7c13d64
- feature new policies (commit by @nileshgadgi)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- ran terraform format command (commit by @nileshgadgi)9977871
- fix unused var issue (commit by @nileshgadgi)4758f0c
- Fixed the condition for in root record loop (commit by @nileshgadgi)9ce402c
- update git ignore file (commit by @nileshgadgi)fea9d7f
- fixed the comments as per the CD structure (commit by @nileshgadgi)6d68278
- fix local condition to work if even enabled var false (commit by @anmolnagpal)5ecfc7f
- update terraform format using command (commit by @anmolnagpal)
📝 Documentation Changes
- update CHANGELOG.md for 1.0.2 (commit by @clouddrove-ci)