#Configure Openvpn
Download from github end_point.ovpn openvpn configuration, replace [lab ip] with the ip of the lab, it's found at outputs
Please note that port 1111 shoulb be open in the firewall
Before connecting to the vpn search "what is my ip", show the IP address
Connect to vpn
Show the results of "what is my ip", see that it has changed to the ip of the lab.
Explain that all traffic is now forwarded thrue the vcpe nfv
Browse to any non ssl website, show it lods
In new tab type the url of the server with "gambling" in the path, show that the site will not laod.
Dispable filtering
Open cloudify manager, go to the deploymnet, click run workflow, select the run operation. In the node fill "filter" in the operation fill "cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle.stop" wait for the workflow to finish.
refresh the URL containing the word "gambling", show that the RUL now loads
enable the fileter agaiun by executing the operation with value "cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle.start"
show that the URL is again unavalable
Michael Shnizer Gigaspaces, Cloudify 2017