Collects network IOCs (domains and IPs) from open source lists, stores them in MondoDB. A python web front end is provided for searching the data.
This application is currently in a non working state. The python front end is legacy code and I would like to rewrite it using Flask.
The code for collecting the intelligence data is located in backend/ Currently, the following sources are ingested:
- Alienvault reputation
- Emerging Threats tor
- Emerging Threats compromised ips
- Emerging Threats emerging compromised
- Emerging Threats emerging bot
- Emerging Threats ciarmy
- Emerging Threats spamhaus
- Malware Domain List ips
- Malware Domain List hosts
- Malware domains dyndns
- Malware domains url short
- Malware domains domains
- Spyeye Tracker
- Zeus Tracker
- SRI infected client
- SRI malware
- Clone the project
- Install MongoDB
$ sudo apt-get install mongodb
- Install python packages
$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
- To run the project, run "python"