$ go run main.go
createwallet -----------------------------------> Create a new wallet
listaddresses ----------------------------------> List wallet addressses
createblockchain -address ADDRESS --------------> Create a blockchain and sends genesis reward to address
updateblockchain -------------------------------> Update blockchain via other nodes
printblockchain --------------------------------> Print the blocks in the blockchain
printlastblock ---------------------------------> Print last block
removelastblock --------------------------------> Remove last block from the blockchain
getbalance -address ADDRESS --------------------> Get the balance for an address
send -from FROM -to TO -amount AMOUNT -mine ----> Send amount of coins. Then -mine flag is set, mine off of this node
reindexutxo ------------------------------------> Rebuilds the UTXO set
startnode -miner ADDRESS -----------------------> Start a node with TxID specified in NODE_ID env. var. -miner enables mining
$ export NODE_ID=3000
$ go run main.go createwallet
New address is: 15uQXdzyY8Bki98UQgeXcLtXaDhW4szBjp
$ export NODE_ID=4000
$ go run main.go createwallet
New address is: 14sLJH78gy27wSEaWDTHNrhUxLa3yXYVzS
$ export NODE_ID=5000
$ go run main.go createwallet
New address is: 1NEnVj4RVVjjZjRqoXBBqoCV5BXneMo97S
$ go run main.go createblockchain -address 14sLJH78gy27wSEaWDTHNrhUxLa3yXYVzS
Nonce found: 563481
Block Hash : 000000421470170d61f247b3b9e587debc37387b936fac018a474950a4ab8ad2
Genesis block created.
$ go run main.go printblockchain

$ go run main.go getbalance -address 14sLJH78gy27wSEaWDTHNrhUxLa3yXYVzS
Balance of 14sLJH78gy27wSEaWDTHNrhUxLa3yXYVzS: 20
$ go run main.go startnode

$ go run main.go startnode -miner 1NEnVj4RVVjjZjRqoXBBqoCV5BXneMo97S

$ go run main.go updateblockchain
$ go run main.go send -from 14sLJH78gy27wSEaWDTHNrhUxLa3yXYVzS -to 15uQXdzyY8Bki98UQgeXcLtXaDhW4szBjp -amount 5

$ go run main.go updateblockchain
$ go run main.go getbalance -address 14sLJH78gy27wSEaWDTHNrhUxLa3yXYVzS
$ go run main.go getbalance -address 1NEnVj4RVVjjZjRqoXBBqoCV5BXneMo97S
$ go run main.go getbalance -address 15uQXdzyY8Bki98UQgeXcLtXaDhW4szBjp
Balance of 14sLJH78gy27wSEaWDTHNrhUxLa3yXYVzS: 15
Balance of 1NEnVj4RVVjjZjRqoXBBqoCV5BXneMo97S: 20 //Mining Reward
Balance of 15uQXdzyY8Bki98UQgeXcLtXaDhW4szBjp: 5
$ go run main.go printblockchain