Various code examples in OpenCL
- Troels Henriksen [email protected]
- Cosmin Oancea [email protected]
DAY 1 (slides)
I. Lecture 9:00 - 11:00:
Hardware Trends motivating : power wall, memory/bandwidth wall
GPU vs CPU architecture. GPUs (AMD) centered around three key ideas: a) transistors used for massive parallelism rather than for programming convenience (caches + control units). b) SIMD: amortize cost/complexity of managing an instruction stream across many ALUs; c) Hardware multi threading for hiding memory latency. d) capricious hardware to program, e.g., divergence + coalescing
II. Guided programming exercises (11:00 - 12:00; 13:00 - 5:00pm):
Introduction to OpenCL programming model
- buffers + CPU-GPU transfer + control queues + enqueueing kernel + events, etc.):
Fill in the blank exercises:
simple hello world
example demonstrating thread divergence (load balancing) issues
2-d stencil exercising texture memory + 2-d kernel
demonstrating profiling + debugging + printing
maybe naive matrix-matrix multiplication
DAY 2 (slides)
I. Lecture 9:00 - 12:00:
Simple dependency analysis on arrays; when is a loop parallel and when is it safe to interchange or distribute a loop?
Optimizing temporal locality by tiling demonstrated on matrix-matrix multiplication (MMM):
- Block tiling as loop strip-mining + loop interchange
- starting from the naive MMM we derive a block-tiled version and
a block+register tiled version (in C pseudocode)
- GPU: local memory + barrier synchronization
Optimizing spatial locality:
- what are coalesced accesses to global memory
- transforming coalesced to uncoalesced accesses by transposition
- how to implement a transposition kernel in which all read/write accesses are
II. Guided programming exercises (13:00 - 5:00pm): Walking over the provided code that aims to demonstrate the topics covered in lecture.
Fill In the blanks exercise: -- the register + block tiled version of matrix-matrix multiplication -- optimize a (contrived) program to have only coalesced accesses to global memory by means of transposition. -- then optimize it further by fusing the transposition inside the program.
DAY 3 (slides)
I. Lecture 9:00 - 12:00:
Data parallel building blocks: map, reduce, (segmented) scan semantics and GPU implementation ideas. Data-parallel thinking: compose programs like puzzles from a nested composition of such bulk operators. Main optimization: fusion. Applications: maximal-segment sum problem (MSSP), two-way partitioning, sparse-matrix-vector multiplication.
II. Guided programming exercises (11:00 - 12:00; 13:00 - 5:00pm):
Take a look at the implementation of reduce/scan.
Fill in the blanks exercise: * map-reduce fusion for MSSP. * optimizing two-way partitioning an array (scan-scan horizontal fusion; map-scan fusion). * sparse-matrix vector multiplication
I. Lecture 9:00 - 12:00:
Histogram formulation and "reduce-by-key" generalization; optimization space and possible implementation strategies
Stencil fusion (\cite{Halide})
Streaming: overlapping communication + computation.
II. Guided programming exercises (13:00 - 5:00pm):
- "atomics" support in OpenCL (atomic-add, CAS, compare-and-exchange)
- walking over the provided code that aims to demonstrate the topics covered in lecture.
- fill in the blank exercises regarding histogram implementation
- fill in the blank exercise regarding stencil fusion.
- demonstrating overlapping communication + computation
(4 hours)
Practical considerations: here we discuss computational kernels of interest to BkMedical (proposed by Franck) By discuss, I mean fill in the blank exercises through which we guide the audience to develop and efficient solution.