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Curriculum Builder in development for writing sweet K-12 CS curriculum


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Repository files navigation CurriculumBuilder

An internal tool designed for curricula

The Curriculum Builder service on heroku was shut down in Oct 2022 and deleted in Aug 2023.

The info below is now obsolete, but the repo remains archived and viewable in readonly mode.

How to use CurriculumBuilder

  • Go to the #curriculumbuilder-dev channel for support

How to install Curriculum Builder locally

Install the dependencies for your specific operating system, then follow the rest of the Common Setup Steps.

Install Mac OS dependencies

Only follow these steps if you are on Mac OS.

  1. install mac os x dependencies
brew install openssl postgres heroku/brew/heroku Caskroom/cask/wkhtmltopdf
  1. start postgresql
  brew services start postgresql
  1. make sure you have python 2.7
python -V # -> Python 2.7.10

if you don't, try installing it viabrew install python@2, and then run python -V again to make sure you now have version 2.7 installed. If you don't, stop here and try to get yourself onto this version of python before proceeding.


If you run into problems with pycurl later, there are two potential errors you can get which look very similar:

Problem with building psycopg2:

  • Error: ld: library not found for -lssl. It means you need to install openssl and make it discoverable by installing it to a right directory or adding its installed directory to the $LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.
    brew install openssl
    export LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/

Install Ubuntu 16 dependencies

Only follow these steps if you are on Ubuntu / Linux.

  1. install Ubuntu dependencies
sudo apt-get install python-pip postgresql wkhtmltopdf libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev libpq-dev python-dev
sudo snap install --classic heroku

Potentially use these alternate installation instructions for python-pip.

  1. check versions
python -V # --> 2.7.x (not 3.x)
psql -V # --> 11 or higher

If you do not have the right versions, stop here and try to fix them before proceeding.

  1. configure postgresql
sudo service postgresql start
sudo -u postgres createuser -s $(whoami)

Common Setup Steps

Follow these steps whether you are on Mac OS or Ubuntu / Linux.

  1. clone repo
git clone
cd curriculumbuilder
  1. set up virtualenv (
pip install virtualenv
mkdir ~/.virtualenvs
virtualenv ~/.virtualenvs/cb
source ~/.virtualenvs/cb/bin/activate
  1. install python dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. copy the db
heroku login # need a login for from an engineer or the accounts team
heroku pg:pull DATABASE_URL curriculumbuilder -a curriculumbuilder
  1. set up
cp curriculumBuilder/ curriculumBuilder/
  1. run the tests
npm install
./ test
  1. run the server
source ~/.virtualenvs/cb/bin/activate # must be run once per shell window
debug=true python runserver_plus


measure test coverage

If you want to measure test coverage, here is how to do it:

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=curriculumBuilder.settings debug=true coverage run ./ test
coverage report

If you run this often, it may be worth appending the --keepdb flag to make it run faster.

I18n sync

Follow the I18n setup instructions to run the sync on your local machine

How does the deploy work on CurriculumBuilder

CurriculumBuilder is actually two separate websites:

When you add a feature to CurriculumBuilder by merging a commit your change will automatically be deployed to You can watch the #curriculumbuilder channel to see when it gets deployed.

In order for your change to show up on all of the impacted curriculum must be republished. Developers should ask the curriculum team to republish their curriculum so that we don't accidentally ship a change to the curriculum that was not ready to go out.

Updating your local database schema

To update your local database schema use the following command:

./ migrate

Updating your local database contents

dropdb curriculumbuilder
heroku pg:pull DATABASE_URL curriculumbuilder -a curriculumbuilder

NOTE: avoid using commands that include the DATABASE_URL flag, apart from pg:pull. This flag allows users to directly manipulate the production database from the command line and should be used with caution.

Creating a new user

If you have an account and are a superuser, you can create new CurriculumBuilder users by doing the following:

  1. Log in at Choose the "admin" interface.
  2. Choose the "Users" option in the left-hand navigation menu, or go to Here, you can view, update, and create users.
  3. Use the "Add user" button to create a new user.
  4. Set the user's permissions:
  • All users need to have added to their site permissions.
  • All staff members will need "staff status" set to true.
  • Curriculum writers need to be added to the "author" group.
  1. If you need this new user for local development purposes, update your local database contents.

Just want to query the database?

If you just want to create a local copy of the Curriculum Builder database without running the whole server locally, simply install and configure postgresql, then copy the db (step 4 of the common setup steps), then run

psql curriculumbuilder

to launch a query interface against the database copy.


Curriculum Builder in development for writing sweet K-12 CS curriculum







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