The APIs and models for communication between Code clients and server.
- Account
- Badge
- Chat
- Contact List
- Currency
- Device
- Invite
- Messaging
- Micro Payment
- Phone Verification
- Push
- Transaction
- User Identity
Generated code can be found under the generated/
directory. The following languages are directly supported:
- Go
- TypeScript/JavaScript (via Protobuf-ES)
- Php
- Python
To generate all code, run:
Or to generate a specific language, run:
make {go, protobuf-es, php, go}
If you have any questions or need help integrating Code into your website or application, please reach out to us on Discord or Twitter.
For now the best way to contribute is to share feedback on Discord. This will evolve as we continue to build out the platform and open up more ways to contribute.