Upsampling method for an input cloud using MovingLeastSquares method of PCL
Format | Description |
.pcd | Point Cloud Data file format |
.ply | Polygon file format |
.txt | Text file format |
.xyz | X Y Z Text file format |
- unsampled_cloud.pcd
Usage: ./upsampling_cloud [options]
Optional arguments:
-h --help shows help message and exits [default: false]
-v --version prints version information and exits [default: false]
--cloudfile input cloud file [required]
--search-radius search radius value [default: 0.03]
--sampling-radius sampling radius value [default: 0.005]
--step-size step size [default: 0.005]
-o --output-dir output dir to save upsampled cloud [default: "-"] (not configured)
-d --display display upsampling in the pcl visualizer [default: false]
This projects depends on the Point Cloud Library (it works with version 1.8...1.12.1
) and its dependencies.
Package | Version | Description |
VTK | 9.0.0 | Visualization toolkit |
PCL | 1.12.1 | The Point Cloud Library (PCL) |
Eigen | 3.7.7 | Eigen is a library of template headers for linear algebra |
Flann | 1.9.1 | Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors |
Boost | 1.77.0 | Provides support for linear algebra, pseudorandom number generation, multithreading |
OpenGL | 21.2.6 | Programming interface for rendering 2D and 3D vector graphics. |
- Download source code
git clone
- Create a "build" folder at the top level of the upsamplingCloudPCL
cd upsamplingCloudPCL/ && mkdir build
- Compile with CMake
cd build/ && cmake ../ && make
cd /build
./upsampling_cloud --cloudfile <path/to/cloud-file>
You can modify the parameters to obtain better results here
mls.setUpsamplingMethod(pcl::MovingLeastSquares<pcl::PointXYZRGB, pcl::PointXYZRGB>::UpsamplingMethod::SAMPLE_LOCAL_PLANE);
mls.setSqrGaussParam(gauss_param);// (the square of the search radius works best in general)
mls.setCacheMLSResults(true);//Set whether the mls results should be stored for each point in the input cloud.