This is an HTML mobile app for adding and viewing search and rescue activities.
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File descriptions: These descriptions are suggestions for managing the code. We are not above fudging the distinctions in favor of good things.):
index.html -- Contains markup for jqm pages ready.js -- loads the base maps to the global search_app
Description of modules: -- creates search_app in the global spaace. Adds methods for changing the base map -- adds .data to the search app. This includes all calls to the geoloqi database
search.users -- user login
search.markers -- adds .searches to the search app for manipulating a Leaflet feature collection of search markers -- adds methods to search_app for retrieving saved searches
Also loaded by not adding to the search_app object: -- events for the left panel of the app
socket.messages -- loads listener and events for incoming messages
Libraries: for sharing map changes