#Vert.x 3 + Kafka + Event Sourcing
This project was meant for playing around with (the not yet released) Vert.x 3 and versions of Apache Kafka.
I picked a little "game" (well, currently it only allows to move around characters without much more ...) to show how both can be used to implement event sourcing on top.
Before you start building it:
__This is a spare time project and it's definitely not in the state I want it to be. __
I moved the code for accessing Kafka from Vert.x into a separate project. You will have to build this locally and install into your maven repo. This should change soon, I am currently trying to get this refactored and soon after wards into maven-central.
The package consists of two distinct modules, vertx-game-server and vertx-game-client. Follow the Build instructions in their README.md
- Build and install the Kafka-connectors: project
- Build and install the server
- Build and install the client