(Currently under re-design and re-architecting. It will be built using Django framework and integrate with other apps of mine)
This is yet another online feed reader. http://reader.derekzeng.me/ The unique thing about Geek Reader is that its functions are designed towards geeky readers.
Here I name a few:
User can set and edit stylesheet for each feed source. This can greatly improve the reading experience.
It support secondary fetching. For sites like Hacker News, the feed source doesn't supply any meaningful text content. Geek Reader will fetch it from the given link and merge it with the feed.
Hightlight.js is used to highlight source code. Users can choose the color scheme for rendering.
Besides, here are some standard features.
- Optimized UI for easy reading
- Search in subscriptions
- Automatic updates on subscriptions
- Email notifications
- Mobile support
Stack used:
- BackboneJS
- Rails 4.0 & Ruby 2.1.0
Interested to work together? Just drop me an email [email protected].