Micro tool for ACME V2, wide commented, zero-dependencies and batteries included in only 500 lines of plan javascript.
With an api that makes you fall in love:
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// Load module and link with ACME provider directory.
const Acme = require('pico-acme-v2'),
lAcme = new Acme('letsencrypt', 'https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory');
// Optional, my hosting provider API.
const DonWeb = require('donweb');
// For each of your managed accounts...
(function() {
// Load your account, pico acme do all the job for you, only set your webmaster name.
var accManager = new Acme.manager(Acme.manager.ACCOUNT, 'webmaster-name'),
account = new lAcme.account(accManager, '[email protected]');
// When your account is ready, start the job.
account.on('ready', function(accId /* Your account id */) {
// For each of your managed certificates in this account...
(function() {
// Define your domains for the certificate, is an array and accept wildcards.
// Load your certificate, pico acme do all the job for you, only set your certificate name.
var domains = [ 'example.com', '*.example.com' ],
crtManager = new Acme.manager(Acme.manager.CERTIFICATE, 'example-name'),
certificate = new lAcme.certificate(account, crtManager, domains);
// When the certificate is expired (and also the first time when we need create it)
certificate.on('expire', function() {
// Request a new certificate.
// When the certificate request is pending of DNS challenge result
certificate.on('pending', function(challenge) {
// Do some task for complete the challenge, for my hosting provider, i build an API for auto complete the challenge.
// Also, you can do it manually, in this case, only say what the challenge is ready and pico acme will wait.
DonWeb.addRecord(challenge.domain, challenge.record, 'TXT', challenge.token, 900, 0)
.then(function(challengeRecordId) {
// When add a DNS record, recive an id of it, pico-acme can link it with the certificate.
crtManager.addAttribute('challengeDomainId', challenge.domain);
crtManager.addAttribute('challengeRecordId', challengeRecordId);
// Say what the challenge is ready.
// When your certificate is ready to rock.
certificate.on('ready', function(keyPath /* private key path */, pemPath /* certificate pem path */) {
/** Sample Apache Vhost config:
<VirtualHost *:443>
ServerName example.com
SSLEngine On
SSLCertificateFile {pemPath} # <- certificate pem path, never change for the same domains
SSLCertificateKeyFile {keyPath} # <- certificate key path, never change for the same domains
SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown
// Do some task after finish the challenge, for my hosting provider, i remove the DNS record.
var challengeDomainId = crtManager.getAttribute('challengeDomainId'),
challengeRecordId = crtManager.getAttribute('challengeRecordId');
DonWeb.removeRecord(challengeDomainId, challengeRecordId)
.then(function() {
// After that, i clear the links of the certificate with temp attributes.
// Start to listen certificate changes.
// Start to listen account changes.
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