Lua Scope is for looking into Lua chunk, or IOW, decode lua chunks. A Lua 5.1/5.2/5.3 binary chunk disassembler. LuaScope was inspired by Jein-Hong Man's ChunkSpy. LuaScope attempts to be lua version agnostic.
- Based on ChunkSpy on Lua 5.1
- Works as ChunkSpy on Lua 5.2
- Works also as ChunkSpy on Lua 5.3
Dockerfile and shell scripts are provided for you to run 5.1/5.2/5.3 inside a container.
This was tested only on Ubuntu, but should work on any Unix-based system.
- Make sure b2b directory has git submodule by running
git clone --recurse-submodules
orgit submodule update --init
- Make sure docker is installed
- Run
to run luascope with Lua-5.3
If you do not have docker for any reason, do the following instead of 3 steps above:
lua ./scope.lua
$ ./
Found Lua Version Lua 5.3
>print "hi"
Pos Hex Data Description or Code
0000 ** source chunk: (interactive mode)
** global header start **
0000 1B4C7561 header signature: "\27Lua"
0004 53 version (major:minor hex digits)
0005 00 format (0=official)