Source for documentation on This is an evolution of the original GitHub wiki and still uses markdown files for documentation pages, but the publish process enables some additional features:
- Version support (based on tags) with canonical urls
- Nested folder support
- Ability to define redirects
- Folder level TOC (table of contents) support, with default ordering if not specified
The documentation follows a few structural rules:
- The directory and file names are used as-is as the document/directory title
- Directory and file names are slugged to created the url paths
- Directories can be nested to create nested navigation structures
- Add an to customize the directory root-level documentation
- If no file is specified then a list of child documents will be displayed automatically
- Links will be transformed as part of the markdown rendering on the site
- To reference another document, just use the title or slug - we will convert it to a slug either way
- You can reference documents in the same directory or child directory by not using a slash at the start e.g.
[My Doc](My Doc)
or[My Doc](My Folder/My Doc)
- Parent directory traversal with '../' is not supported yet
- To reference files outside of your directory you can use an application relative root eg.
[My Doc](/My Folder/My Doc)
- Any files except .md and .json files are copied to a separate directory so they can be hosted as static resources
- Static files can be nested in directories and will retain the same structure when copied to the output directory
- File names are slugified when copied
- References to static files are re-written to the correct directory/file name
- By default a table of contents (TOC) will be created using the file and directory structure, ordering items by the document name.
- The included files and ordering can be customized by defining a toc.json file with an array of document titles you want to include in the order you want to include them e.g:
"Website Startup",
"Data Access",
"Background Tasks"
If documents get moved or renamed you should create a redirect. To do this first create a redirects.json file in the folder with the file you want to redirect. The json file should contain an object with keys mapping to a file name and the value mapping to the redirected path. This translates to a .NET Dictionary<string,string>
, e.g:
"Website Startup": "/new-folder/website-startup",
"Mail": "/mail"
The docs are published using the Doc Generator tool. Currently this is a manual process but we should be able to automate this at some point.