Here are my dotfiles for st and dwm (very lightweight).
My other dotfiles (like bash and vim dotfiles) are located at cokicat/dotfiles.
- GTK Theme: Colloid-Dark-Everforest
- Icon Theme: Papirus-Dark (paleorange)
- Font: Fira Code Nerd Font
- Cursor Theme: Bibata-Modern-Classic
- Launcher: dmenu
- todo
dwm version: 6.8
for more informations.
Status command is generated by
Gaps and borders are showed when only one client with uselessgaps:
//line 1327 in dmw.c
/* Get number of clients for the client's monitor */
for (n = 0, nbc = nexttiled(c->mon->clients); nbc; nbc = nexttiled(nbc->next), n++);
/* Do nothing if layout is floating */
if (c->isfloating || c->mon->lt[c->mon->sellt]->arrange == NULL) {
gapincr = gapoffset = 0;
} else {
/* Modified by cokicat */
/* Remove border and gap if layout is monocle or only one client */
//if (c->mon->lt[c->mon->sellt]->arrange == monocle || n == 1) {
/* Don't remove border and gap if only one client */
if (c->mon->lt[c->mon->sellt]->arrange == monocle) {
gapoffset = 0;
gapincr = -2 * borderpx;
wc.border_width = 0;
} else {
gapoffset = gappx;
gapincr = 2 * gappx;
Cursor when resizing a window is fixed (default is unsupported by Bibata-Modern-Classic):
// line 1675 in dwm.c
cursor[CurResize] = drw_cur_create(drw, XC_bottom_right_corner);
Patches are in dwm/patches
- actualfullscreen
- cfacts
- cool-autostart
- movestack
- notitle
- uselessgap
st version: 0.9.2
for more informations.
Patches are in dwm/patches
- blinking_cursor