Project template for developing soundworks applications.
For a complete documentation of soundworks, please refer to
To start the development of a new soundworks application, we recommend the following sequence of commands:
git clone my-soundworks-application
cd my-soundworks-application
rm -Rf .git
npm install
# to start development
npm run watch
# build es-next sources to node and browser compliant files
npm run build
# starts the server and watches the file system re-build application
npm run watch
# re-build and creates minified version of browser clients
npm run minify
# starts the server
npm run start
The template consists of the following files and directories:
- config files written using JSON5application.json
- application config fileenv
- folder
- public directory, accessible through httpsrc
- javascript sourcesclients
- sources of every clients (browser or node),
each folder should be dedicated to a specific client, for example:player
- sources of the serverconfig
- environnement config files
@important - this structure is required by the helper scripts, modify at your own risks.