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A batch script to create a specified number of files with sequencial naming.


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COLVDV's BatchSequenceFileCreator

A batch script to create a specified number of files with sequencial naming.


Put the script into a .bat file, or download the latest release. Open the .bat file to run the script.

Running The Script

Follow the prompts, reading the directions carefully. If you aren't getting your desired result, look at what the script is doing and adjust your inputs accordingly.

How It Works

BatchSequenceFileCreator v1.1

This script is a batch file designed to create a specified number of files with custom filenames based on user input. Here's a breakdown of what it does:

  1. Setup:

    • @echo off: Prevents commands from being shown in the command prompt.
    • setlocal enabledelayedexpansion: Enables the use of delayed variable expansion, allowing the script to modify and use variables within loops.
  2. Getting User Input:

    • The script prompts the user for several pieces of information:
      • Number of files to create.
      • Part 1 of the filename (static text).
      • Part 2, which includes a static part and a placeholder for a sequential number (e.g., "S01E").
      • Part 3 of the filename (static text).
      • File extension (without the dot).
  3. Generating Filenames:

    • The script constructs filenames in a loop based on the user inputs.
    • It formats the sequential part with leading zeros (e.g., "01", "02", etc.).
    • Each filename is constructed in the format: Part1 + Part2 + FormattedSequentialNumber + Part3 + .fileExt.
  4. Display Filenames:

    • The script echoes the full paths of the files that would be created.
  5. Confirmation:

    • It prompts the user to confirm whether they want to create the files.
  6. File Creation:

    • If the user confirms (by entering "Y"), it creates empty files at the specified paths.
    • If the user declines, it cancels the file creation process.
  7. Exit:

    • Finally, it waits for the user to press any key before exiting.


If the user inputs:

  • Number of files: "3"
  • Part 1: "This.Is.Part.1."
  • Part 2: "S01E"
  • Sequential Part Input: "the 'E' in 'S01E' as 'E'"
  • Part 3: ".This.Is.Part-3"
  • File extension: "txt"

The script would create the following files:

  • This.Is.Part.1.S01E01.This.Is.Part-3.txt
  • This.Is.Part.1.S01E02.This.Is.Part-3.txt
  • This.Is.Part.1.S01E03.This.Is.Part-3.txt

These files would be created in the directory where the script is located.

The Script

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

:: Get the directory of the script
set "scriptDir=%~dp0"

:: Prompt user for number of files
set /p numFiles="Enter the number of files to create: "

:: Prompt user for part 1
set /p part1="Enter the first part of the filename (e.g., This.Is.Part.1.): "

:: Prompt user for part 2
set /p part2="Enter the second part of the filename (e.g., S01) followed by a placeholder for the sequential part (e.g., E) (Example: Enter 'S01E' if desired sequence output is 'S01E01', 'S01E02', 'S01E03', and so on.): "

:: Prompt user for which part of part 2 is sequential
set /p seqPart="Which part should be sequential (e.g., the 'E' in 'S01E' as 'E') (follow this same format): "

:: Prompt user for part 3
set /p part3="Enter the third part of the filename (e.g., .This.Is.Part-3): "

:: Prompt user for the file desired extension
set /p fileExt="Enter the desired file extension (without the dot, e.g., txt if you want .txt files): "

:: Prepare to show the filenames
echo The following files will be created:

:: Create an array-like structure to hold the filenames
set "files="

:: Loop to generate the filenames
for /L %%i in (1,1,%numFiles%) do (
    set "formattedSeq=0%%i"  :: Create the sequential part with leading zero
    if %%i geq 10 (
        set "formattedSeq=%%i"

    :: Construct the filename using the static part and the formatted sequence
    set "filename=!part1!!part2!!formattedSeq!!part3!.%fileExt%"
    set "fullpath=!scriptDir!!filename!"
    echo !fullpath!
    :: Store the fullpath in the variable for later use
    set "files[%%i]=!fullpath!"

set /p confirm="Do you want to proceed with creating these files? (Y/N): "

if /I "!confirm!"=="Y" (
    for /L %%i in (1,1,%numFiles%) do (
        set "currentFile=!files[%%i]!"
        echo Creating file: !currentFile!
        echo. > "!currentFile!"
    echo Done.
) else (
    echo File creation canceled.

echo Press any key to exit..
pause > nul


A batch script to create a specified number of files with sequencial naming.







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