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Fedulov Porcine RRBS

This repository tracks the analysis pipeline for the RRBS analysis of porcine data for the Fedulov lab. All analyses were ran on Oscar in the folder /gpfs/data/cbc/fedulov_alexey/Fedulov_porcine_rrbs.

Organization overview

  • The scripts folder contains all of the scripts used to run the pipeline (from raw reads to Bismark coverage files). These scripts use a Conda environment on Oscar.
  • The metadata folder contains the sample manifest (targets.txt, the yml file to create the computing environment for upstream analyses (porcine_rrbs_conda.yml), the yaml used to document the commands to create the Bismark references (new.yaml), the Dockerfile to create the environment for downstream analyses and the packages.R file to install R packages in the Docker container.
  • The notebooks folder contains the notebooks for downstream analyses (from Bismark coverage files to differentially methylated loci). These notebooks were run on Oscar inside a Singularity container.
  • The working directory on Oscar contains folders and files that are not pushed to git. This includes folders from the sequencing centers initial attempt at the analyses (epigentek) and the raw data (Sequencing_files). It also includes our read QC (fastqc), trimmed reads (trim_galore and trimmomatic), trimmed read QC (trim_galore_qc and trimmomatic_qc), Bismark alignments and reports (alignments), alignment qc (qualimap), and log files (logs).

Setting up the environment

Running the contents of scripts directory on Oscar shouldn't require any extra set up, as they reference the proper conda environments when they are executed. You can also recreate the computing environment using metadata/porcine_rrbs_conda.yml

To run the contents of notebooks, you can use Singularity on Oscar (or Docker on your local machine). To run the Docker container on your local machine, clone this repository and cd into it and run:

docker pull compbiocore/rrbs:latest .

To run the container and mount the present working directory to /home/rstudio:

docker run --rm -p 8787:8787 -e USER=rstudio -e PASSWORD=passwordhere --volume ${PWD}:/home/rstudio rrbs:latest

Then navigate to localhost:8787 in a browser.

To run as Singularity on Oscar:

cd /gpfs/data/cbc/fedulov_alexey/Fedulov_porcine_rrbs/metadata
mkdir -p run var-lib-rstudio-server
printf 'provider=sqlite\ndirectory=/var/lib/rstudio-server\n' > database.conf
singularity pull docker://compbiocore/rrbs:latest

Then log into oscar over VNC client, then open terminal and run:

cd /gpfs/data/cbc/fedulov_alexey/Fedulov_porcine_rrbs/metadata
export SINGULARITY_BINDPATH="/gpfs/data/cbc"
singularity exec --bind run:/run,var-lib-rstudio-server:/var/lib/rstudio-server,database.conf:/etc/rstudio/database.conf rrbs_latest.sif rserver --www-address=

Then open another terminal window and run:

module load firefox/87.0

Then navigate to localhost:8787

Once R is open, you'll need to tell R to use the libraries installed in the singularity container (rather than looking in your home directory).

.libPaths(c('/usr/local/lib/R/site-library', '/usr/local/lib/R/library'))

Experimental Design

Study design: Pigs received either normal diet or high-fat diet; furthermore, in either diet group we have normal heart tissue vs. surgically induced ischemic heart tissue, and in either diet group the ischemia was treated with microvesicles injection.

The following 6 groups (n=3 each) of porcine myocardium DNA are therefore presented:

  1. “SMV normal” = sham surgery with normal diet (normal heart tissue, negative control);
  2. “SMV ischemic” = sham surgery with normal diet (ischemic heart tissue);
  3. “MVM” = myocardial injection of microvesicles in a normal diet model;
  4. “HVM” = myocardial injection of microvesicles in a high-fat diet model;
  5. “HSMV normal” = myocardial injection of vehicle control in a high-fat diet - normal heart tissue;
  6. and “HSMV ischemic” = myocardial injection of vehicle control in a high-fat diet – ischemic heart tissue.

Goal: we want to determine the loci differentially methylated in all pairwise comparisons between the groups to answer these experimental questions:

1). What was the effect of ischemia vs. normal heart tissue on a normal diet in absence of treatments? (SMV normal vs. SMV ischemic).

2). What was the effect of ischemia vs. normal heart tissue on a high-fat diet in absence of treatments (HSMV normal vs. HSMV ischemic) and whether it was different from that effect in the normal diet? (this resultant list vs. list from #1)

3). What was the effect of microvesicle treatment (vs. ischemia) in normal diet and in high-fat diet? (MVM vs. SMV ischemic; and HVM vs. HSMV ischemic)

Notes: The differentially methylated loci detection should be done at reasonable stringency to a) characterize the extent of changes by each experimental factor, and b) to inform downstream pathway analysis. The differentially methylated loci need to be mapped to the nearest transcript (with distance to TSS) and presented in the form of data tables convenient for heatmaps (i.e. with methylation percent values) and for downstream pathway analysis (i.e. with gene names and IDs).

Analysis Overview

The following steps were performed in the analysis pipeline:

  • Initial QC of raw reads was run using FASTQC1.

  • Reads were trimmed using Trim Galore 2 and Trimmomatic 3.

  • Bismark4 was used to prepare the reference genome and to align trimmed reads.

  • Bismark methylation extractor was used to extract methylation information.

  • The edgeR5 package was used to find differentially methylated loci.

1.) Andrews S. (2010). FastQC: a quality control tool for high throughput sequence data. Available online at:

2.) Krueger F. (2012). A wrapper tool around Cutadapt and FastQC to consistently apply quality and adapter trimming to FastQ files, with some extra functionality for MspI-digested RRBS-type (Reduced Representation Bisufite-Seq) libraries. Available online at:

3.) Bolger et al. (2014). Trimmomatic: a flexible trimmer for Illumina sequence data. DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btu170

4.) Krueger F. (2010). Bismark: A tool to map bisulfite converted sequence reads and determine cytosine methylation states. Available online at:

5.) Chen et al. (2018). Differential methylation analysis of reduced representation bisulfite sequencing experiments using edgeR. DOI: 10.12688/f1000research.13196.2

Directory creation

Run /gpfs/data/cbc/fedulov_alexey/Fedulov_porcine_rrbs/scripts/ to create all directories for analysis.

Bismark Reference Genome Creation

Run /gpfs/data/cbc/fedulov_alexey/Fedulov_porcine_rrbs/scripts/ to create S. scrofa (Ensembl Sscrofa11.1) Bismark reference genome with the bismark_genome_preparation function.

Initial QC

Run /gpfs/data/cbc/fedulov_alexey/Fedulov_porcine_rrbs/scripts/ to run some initial read QC with FastQC.

Trim Galore

Run /gpfs/data/cbc/fedulov_alexey/Fedulov_porcine_rrbs/scripts/ to perform some initial quality and adapter trimming (optional flags set: --quality 20 --clip_R1 6 --adapter AGATCGGAAGAGC --rrbs).


Run /gpfs/data/cbc/fedulov_alexey/Fedulov_porcine_rrbs/scripts/ to perform some initial quality and adapter trimming (optional flags set: --quality 20 --clip_R1 6 --adapter AGATCGGAAGAGC --rrbs).

Bismark Alignment

Trim Galore and Trimmomatic trimmed reads were aligned to the S. scrofa Bismark genome (optional flags: -bowtie2 --un --pbat).

Part 5: Read alignment

  • Trimmed reads were aligned against the
  • Reference indexing and read mapping were performed in Bismark in which bisulfite indexes for Bowtie2 were created (--bowtie2) and mapping was done for PBAT libraries (--pbat) using the following parameters:
bismark -o /gpfs/data/cbc/fedulov_alexey/porcine_rrbs/alignments/update --bowtie2 --genome /gpfs/data/shared/databases/refchef_refs/S_scrofa/primary/bismark_index/ --un --pbat $trimmed_read

Part 7: Methylation Extracor

Bismark methylation extractor was used to extract methylation information using the following parameters:

bismark_methylation_extractor --bedGraph --comprehensive --ignore_3prime 6 -s --merge_non_CpG --report --output /gpfs/data/cbc/fedulov_alexey/porcine_rrbs/alignments/ --gzip --multicore 8 --genome_folder /gpfs/data/shared/databases/refchef_refs/S_scrofa/primary/bismark_index/ $sample  

This produced m-bias plots, illustrating the methylation proportion across each possible position in the read (see Part 8 below).

Part 8: M-bias plots

Library M-bias plot
Rh1_R1_001 ![](png_mbias/rh1_Bismark M-bias Read 1.png)
Rh2_R1_001 ![](png_mbias/rh2_Bismark M-bias Read 1.png)
Rh3_R1_001 ![](png_mbias/rh3_Bismark M-bias Read 1.png)
Rh4_R1_001 ![](png_mbias/rh4_Bismark M-bias Read 1.png)
Rh5_R1_001 ![](png_mbias/rh5_Bismark M-bias Read 1.png)
Rh6_R1_001 ![](png_mbias/rh6_Bismark M-bias Read 1.png)
Rh7_R1_001 ![](png_mbias/rh7_Bismark M-bias Read 1.png)
Rh8_R1_001 ![](png_mbias/rh8_Bismark M-bias Read 1.png)
Rh10_R1_001 ![](png_mbias/rh10_Bismark M-bias Read 1.png)
Rh11_R1_001 ![](png_mbias/rh11_Bismark M-bias Read 1.png)
Rh12_R1_001 ![](png_mbias/rh12_Bismark M-bias Read 1.png)
Rh14_R1_001 ![](png_mbias/rh14_Bismark M-bias Read 1.png)
Rh15_R1_001 ![](png_mbias/rh15_Bismark M-bias Read 1.png)
Rh16_R1_001 ![](png_mbias/rh16_Bismark M-bias Read 1.png)
Rh18_R1_001 ![](png_mbias/rh18_Bismark M-bias Read 1.png)
Rh19_R1_001 ![](png_mbias/rh19_Bismark M-bias Read 1.png)
Rh21_R1_001 ![](png_mbias/rh21_Bismark M-bias Read 1.png)
Rh22_R1_001 ![](png_mbias/rh22_Bismark M-bias Read 1.png)

Part 9: Filtering and GLM (Statistical Analysis)

Genes were filtered such that only CpGs with at least 5 counts (methylated and unmethylated) in 3 samples were included for downstream analysis. Additionally, CpGs that were never methylated or always methylated were filtered out, as these provide no information about differential methylation. The resulting sample size after filtering was 84,999.

The glmFit function was used to fit a negative binomial generalized log-linear model. The experimental design matrix was constructed using modelMatrixMeth with a factorial experimental design (~0 + group), where group was a factor variable with levels comprised of each combination of treatment/diet/tissue. We dropped the intercept from our model to parameterize it as a means model. Subsequently, the glmLRT function was used to find differentially methylated loci for comparisons of interest, which were made by constructing contrast vectors. Individual CpG sites were considered differentially methylated if the nominal p-value was < 0.01. Results were filtered based on this nominal p-value threshold.

Results from the statistical analyses have been stored in excel files (and sent to you via email), with files being named by research question. Note that the excel files entitled both_HSM_and SMV.xlsx, SMV_effect_only.xlsx, and HSMV_effect_only.xlsx are the overlap in results lists from the HSMV normal vs HSMV ischemic and SMV normal vs. SMV ischemic comparisons.both_HSM_and SMV.xlsx includes loci for which there was an effect for tissue type in both high fat and normal diets; SMV_effect_only.xlsx includes loci for which there was an effect for tissue type in normal diet only (and not in high fat); and conversely, HSMV_effect_only.xlsx includes loci for which there was an effect of tissue type in high fat diet only (and not in normal diet).

The results files contain the following columns:

  • "loci column is the location of a given genomic location. The first number or letter is the chromosome, followed by a - symbol and a second number indicates the position or location on the chromosome."

  • "logFC indicates the log2-fold change of expression between the two conditions tested. For SMVisch_vs_SMVnormal_results_filtered results, positive values indicate higher methylation rates in SMVisch relative to SMVnormal, negative values indicate lower methylation rates in SMVisch vs SMVnormal. For HSMVisch_vs_HSMVnormal_results_filtered results, positive values indicate higher methylation rates in HSMVisch relative to HSMVnormal, negative values indicate lower methylation rates in HSMVisch relative to HSMVnormal. For diffisch_vs_diffnormal_results_filtered results, positive values indicate that the difference due to normal vs ischemic (i.e., effect of ischemia) is greater in HSMV than SMV, whereas negative values indicate that the difference due to normal vs ischemic (i.e., effect of ischemia) is greater in SMV than in HSMV. For MVM_vs_SMVischemic_results_filtered results, positive values indicate higher methylation rates in MVM relative to SMVischemic, negative values indicate lower methylation rates in MVM relative to SMVischemic." Lastly, for HVM_vs_HSMVischemic_results_filtered results, positive values indicate higher methylation rates in HVM relative to HSMVischemic, negative values indicate lower methylation rates in HVM relative to HSMVischemic."

  • "logCPM is the average log2-counts per million, the average taken over all libraries used in the experiment."

  • "LR is the likelihood ratio statistics (larger LR, smaller p-value)"

  • "PValue probability of obtaining results at least as extreme as the results actually observed, under the assumption that the null hypothesis is correct"

  • "BH is Benjamini & Hochberg corrected p-values"

  • "bonferroni Bonferroni corrected p-values"

  • "The columns with the format #-Me or #-Un indicate the methylated and unmethylated counts at a given locus for a particular sample."

  • "Chr is the chromosome of the locus"

  • "Locus is the position of the locus on the chromosome indicated in the Chr column."

  • "The columns with the format methylated_proportion_# indicate the proportion of methylated counts at a given loci for a particular sample, calculated as methylated counts / (unmethylated counts + methylated counts) for each sample and loci."

  • "TSS_start indicates the TSS location nearest to the methylation loci shown."

  • "uniprot_gn_symbol is the gene symbol (if available) associated with each TSS"

  • "ensembl_gene_id is the Ensembl gene ID associated with each TSS"

  • "gene_start and gene_end are the start and end genomic positions for each gene."

Part 2: Read quality plots

Library Raw reads Trimmed reads

Part 3: Per base sequence content

Library Raw reads Trimmed reads

Part 4: GC content plots

Library Raw reads Trimmed reads

Part 6: Alignment summary statistics

Rh1_R1_001 10,845,489 10,845,489 / 100% 0 / 0% 1,437,581 / 13.26% 12.6%
Rh2_R1_001 12,892,543 12,892,543 / 100% 0 / 0% 1,496,670 / 11.61% 10.93%
Rh3_R1_001 8,715,481 8,715,481 / 100% 0 / 0% 1,029,908 / 11.82% 11.02%
Rh4_R1_001 9,968,480 9,968,480 / 100% 0 / 0% 1,209,925 / 12.14% 11.51%
Rh5_R1_001 13,925,551 13,925,551 / 100% 0 / 0% 2,056,379 / 14.77% 13.91%
Rh6_R1_001 13,362,404 13,362,404 / 100% 0 / 0% 1,750,619 / 13.1% 12.31%
Rh7_R1_001 12,851,559 12,851,559 / 100% 0 / 0% 1,713,430 / 13.33% 12.48%
Rh8_R1_001 12,872,887 12,872,887 / 100% 0 / 0% 1,769,849 / 13.75% 12.93%
Rh10_R1_001 15,060,158 15,060,158 / 100% 0 / 0% 2,107,684 / 14% 13.11%
Rh11_R1_001 13,432,863 13,432,863 / 100% 0 / 0% 1,930,952 / 14.37% 13.51%
Rh12_R1_001 14,880,989 14,880,989 / 100% 0 / 0% 2,381,186 / 16% 14.75%
Rh14_R1_001 13,023,116 13,023,116 / 100% 0 / 0% 1,938,398 / 14.88% 13.62%
Rh15_R1_001 13,292,288 13,292,288 / 100% 0 / 0% 1,992,503 / 14.99% 13.72%
Rh16_R1_001 17,058,927 17,058,927 / 100% 0 / 0% 2,756,384 / 16.16% 15.03%
Rh18_R1_001 12,196,440 12,196,440 / 100% 0 / 0% 1,814,764 / 14.88% 13.42%
Rh19_R1_001 13,248,129 3,248,129 / 100% 0 / 0% 1,901,092 / 14.35% 13.16%
Rh21_R1_001 16,030,293 16,030,293 / 100% 0 / 0% 2,624,856 / 16.37% 14.84%
Rh22_R1_001 13,927,765 13,927,765 / 100% 0 / 0% 1,961,472 / 14.08% 13.05%
Rh1_R1_001 0.1844 0.7664 28.42
Rh2_R1_001 0.2191 0.8243 29.32
Rh3_R1_001 0.1482 0.7405 27.77
Rh4_R1_001 0.1694 0.7166 28.62
Rh5_R1_001 0.2368 0.943 28.68
Rh6_R1_001 0.2271 0.9149 29.01
Rh7_R1_001 0.2185 0.8851 28.47
Rh8_R1_001 0.2188 0.9475 29.15
Rh10_R1_001 0.2561 1.0472 28.59
Rh11_R1_001 0.2284 0.9772 28.47
Rh12_R1_001 0.253 1.0263 29.06
Rh14_R1_001 0.2214 0.9804 29.35
Rh15_R1_001 0.226 0.9128 28.77
Rh16_R1_001 0.29 1.2004 29.18
Rh18_R1_001 0.2075 1.0798 28.59
Rh19_R1_001 0.2252 0.9003 29.01
Rh21_R1_001 0.2726 1.2379 29.02
Rh22_R1_001 0.2368 1.1062 29.13

CBC Project Information

title: Fedulov_porcine_rrbs
tags: rrbs, epigenetics
analysts: Jordan Lawson, Joselynn Wallace
resources_used: bismark, edger, trim galore
summary:  Pigs received either normal diet or high-fat diet; furthermore, in either diet group we have normal heart tissue vs. surgically induced ischemic heart tissue, and in either diet group the ischemia was treated with microvesicles injection. PBAT RRBS libraries were sequenced at Epigentek, trim galore was used for trimming, bismark for alignments, and edgeR for statistical analyses.
project_id: CBC_014