List of scripts and supplementary files:
IDs.txt - file with SRR IDs of samples
Team1Assembly_final_pipeline.zip -- Our final pipeline using Skesa + SSPACE for De Novo assembly
Team1Genome_assembly_script.zip -- Our pipeline using Reference mapping + Skesa (not our final pipeline)
adapters.fa - file with adapters, that we used for trimming
download_ref_genomes.sh - script for upload of complete reference genomes of Klebsiella from ncbi
download_samples_using_SRR_ID -- (sorry for the unexpected space in the name) A script to download splited fastq files using SRR IDs.
fetch_SRR.pl -- Won't be quite useful since this is one part of the process of converting sample names to accroding SRR IDs.
generate_mash_sketch.sh - script for calculation of distances with MASH; it compares samples vs. samples and samples vs. reference genomes; it also chooses the best reference genome for each sample
parse_quast_output.sh - script for extraction of QC statistics from Quast output files
parse_sspace_summary.sh - script for extraction of QC statistics from SSPACE output files
run_fastqc.sh - script to run FastQC aster trimming
run_gzip.sh - script to compress data
run_reference_based_assembly_final.sh - pipeline for mixed reference based assembly and Skesa, scaffolding and quality control
run_trimmomatic.sh - script for trimming
Direcroties with data: Raw reads: /projects/data/team1_genomeAssembly/downloads Trimmed data: /projects/data/team1_genomeAssembly/trimming2/fastq/trimmed Mash sketches: /projects/data/team1_genomeAssembly/reference_based_assembly/mash_sketches_samples, /projects/data/team1_genomeAssembly/reference_based_assembly Reference genomes: /projects/data/team1_genomeAssembly/reference_based_assembly/reference_genomes Final reference based assemblies: /projects/data/team1_genomeAssembly/reference_based_assembly/assembly_all Final SPADEs results: /projects/data/team1_genomeAssembly/denovo_spades_result Final Skesa results: /projects/data/team1_genomeAssembly/denovo_skesa/sspaceOutput