- keras==2.0.8
- tensorflow-gpu==1.14
- skimage
- This code assumes you have the latest xmlpathology reposititory in your pythonpath: https://github.com/computationalpathologygroup/xml-pathology/tree/alpha/
The following line will create an .npy encoded representation for the gives wsi with the given model. An optional tissue mask can be specified to speed up the encoding.
- python encode.py --model_path='path_to_encoder_model' --image_path='path_to_wsi' --mask_path='path_to_mask' --output_path='path_to_output'
The following line will create an xml file with detections for the encoded wsis. See fsorparameters.yml for more options.
- python detect.py --query_encoded_path='path_to_encoding.npy'
Created in the #EXAMODE project