The Bass ODM session store for the express-session module
const session = require('express-session');
const BassSession = require('@conga/bass-express-session')(session);
/* ... initialize express app, etc. ... */
secret: 'secret-key',
store: new BassSession({
ttl: seconds, // time to live, in seconds (optional)
bass: bassReference, // bass instance or bass.createSession() instance
manager: 'bass-manager-name', // the bass manager name to use
document: 'MappedDocument', // the name of the mapped document to use for your session data
expireField: 'expiresAtField', // the field that holds the expiration data (if ttl is specified)
dataField: 'dataField', // the field that holds all the session data
sidField: 'sessionIdField' // the field that holds the session id
You can use this together with @conga/framework-session
by changing your session's store module
and options configuration:
# app/config/config.yml
# point the sore module to "bass-express-session"
module: "@conga/bass-express-session"
# configure the options
ttl: 300 # time to live, in seconds
bass: ${bass.listener::getBass} # reference to the bass service (or bass.createSession() instance)
manager: session.manager # the bass manager to use
document: Session # the document used for sessions
expireField: expiresAt # the field in the document that contains the expiration date
dataField: data # the field that holds all the session data
You can install with NPM via npm install @conga/bass-express-session