A Delivery Management System
Install the api test dependencies: npm ci
Run the api tests: npm test
Install dependencies: npm ci
Run Server: npm start
- The API Schema is documented in
- The application state resets every time the server restarts (In-memory Persistence layer)
- This code follows Functional Domain Driven Design: https://antman-does-software.com/functional-domain-driven-design-simplified
- CODE SHARING & REUSE: Find a better way to Share code between FE and BE (models, interfaces, enums, utils etc)
- REFACTOR server.ts file (use express router and move route associations to separate file)
- REFACTOR api-tests into separate files (Orders, Quotes, Bookings etc)
- Avoid duplicate string literals, used all over the places (may be use enum values instead)
- Introduce a linting system (A lot of objects have last properties ending with an unnecessary comma. It may cause issues in IDEs or CI/CD pipelines with corresponding rules enabled)