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Simple application that checks if a specified TCP, HTTP or ICMP target is available.

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PortPatrol is a simple Go application that checks if a specified TCP, HTTP or ICMP target is available. It continuously attempts to connect to the specified target at regular intervals until the target becomes available or the program is terminated. Intended to run as a Kubernetes initContainer, PortPatrol helps verify whether a dependency is ready. Configuration is managed through environment variables; for more details, refer to the Environment Variables section."

Environment Variables

PortPatrol accepts the following environment variables:

Common Variables

  • TARGET_NAME: Name assigned to the target (optional, default: inferred from TARGET_ADDRESS). If not specified, it's derived from the target address. For example, http://postgres.default.svc.cluster.local:5432 is inferred as postgres.default.svc.cluster.local.

  • TARGET_ADDRESS: The target's address in the following formats:

    • TCP: host:port (port is required).
    • HTTP: scheme://host[:port] (scheme is required).
    • ICMP: host (no scheme and port allowed).

    You can always specify a scheme (e.g., http://, tcp://, icmp://) in TARGET_ADDRESS, which automatically infers the TARGET_CHECK_TYPE, making the TARGET_CHECK_TYPE variable optional.

  • TARGET_CHECK_TYPE: Specifies the type of check (tcp, http, https, or icmp). If no scheme is provided in TARGET_ADDRESS, this variable determines the check type. If a scheme is provided, TARGET_CHECK_TYPE becomes obsolete.

  • CHECK_INTERVAL: Time between connection attempts (optional, default: 2s).

  • DIAL_TIMEOUT: Maximum allowed time for each connection attempt (optional, default: 1s).

  • LOG_EXTRA_FIELDS: Enable logging of additional fields (optional, default: false).

HTTP-Specific Variables

  • HTTP_METHOD: HTTP method to use (optional, default: GET).
  • HTTP_HEADERS: Comma-separated list of HTTP headers in key=value format (optional). Examples:
    • Authorization=Bearer token
    • Content-Type=application/json,Accept=application/json
  • HTTP_ALLOW_DUPLICATE_HEADERS: Allow duplicate headers (optional, default: false).
  • HTTP_EXPECTED_STATUS_CODES: Comma-separated list of expected HTTP status codes or ranges (optional, default: 200). You can specify individual status codes or ranges:
    • 200,301,404
    • 200,300-302
    • 200,301-302,404,500-502
  • HTTP_SKIP_TLS_VERIFY: Skip TLS verification (optional, default: false).
  • HTTP_PROXY: HTTP proxy to use (optional).
  • HTTPS_PROXY: HTTPS proxy to use (optional).
  • NO_PROXY: Comma-separated list of domains to exclude from proxying (optional).

ICMP-Specific Variables

  • ICMP_READ_TIMEOUT: Maximum allowed time for each ICMP echo reply (optional, default: 1s).

Behavior Flowchart

TCP Check

Click here to see the flowchart
graph TD;
    classDef noFill fill:none;
    classDef violet stroke:#9775fa;
    classDef green stroke:#2f9e44;
    classDef error stroke:#fa5252;
    classDef transparent stroke:none,font-size:20px;

    subgraph MainFlow[ ]
        direction TB
        start((Start)) --> attemptConnect[Attempt to connect to <font color=orange>TARGET_ADDRESS</font>];
        class start violet;

        subgraph RetryLoop[Retry Loop]
            subgraph InnerLoop[ ]
                direction TB
                attemptConnect -->|Connection successful| targetReady[Target is ready];
                attemptConnect -->|Connection failed| waitRetry[Wait for retry <font color=orange>CHECK_INTERVAL</font>];
                waitRetry --> attemptConnect;

        targetReady --> processEnd((End));
        class processEnd violet;
        waitRetry --> processEnd;

    programTerminated[Program terminated or canceled] --> processEnd;
    class programTerminated error;

    class start,attemptConnect,targetReady,waitRetry,processEnd,programTerminated,MainFlow,RetryLoop noFill;
    class MainFlow,RetryLoop transparent;


Only when using ICMP checks in Kubernetes, it's important to ensure that the container has the necessary permissions to send ICMP packets. It is necessary to add the CAP_NET_RAW capability to the container's security context.


- name: wait-for-host
    - name: TARGET_ADDRESS
      value: icmp://
    readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
    allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
      add: ["CAP_NET_RAW"]

For TCP and HTTP checks, the container does not require any additional permissions.

HTTP Check

Click here to see the flowchart
flowchart TD;
    direction TB
    classDef noFill fill:none;
    classDef violet stroke:#9775fa;
    classDef green stroke:#2f9e44;
    classDef error stroke:#fa5252;
    classDef decision stroke:#1971c2;
    classDef transparent stroke:none,font-size:20px;

    subgraph MainFlow[ ]
        direction TB
        processStart((Start)) --> createRequest[Create HTTP request for <font color=orange>TARGET_ADDRESS</font>];
        class start processStart;

        createRequest --> addHeaders[Add headers from <font color=orange>HTTP_HEADERS</font>];
        addHeaders --> addSkipTLS[Add skip TLS verify if <font color=orange>HTTP_SKIP_TLS_VERIFY</font> is set];
        addSkipTLS --> sendRequest[Send HTTP request];

        subgraph RetryLoop[Retry Loop]
            subgraph InnerLoop[ ]
                direction TB
                sendRequest --> checkTimeout{Answers within <font color=orange>DIAL_TIMEOUT</font>?};
                class checkTimeout decision;
                checkTimeout -->|Yes| checkStatusCode[Check response status code <font color=orange>HTTP_EXPECTED_STATUS_CODES</font>];
                checkStatusCode --> statusMatch{Matches?};
                class statusMatch decision;

                statusMatch -->|Yes| targetReady[Target is ready];
                class targetReady success;

                statusMatch -->|No| targetNotReady[Target is not ready];
                class targetNotReady error;
                targetNotReady --> waitRetry[Wait for retry <font color=orange>CHECK_INTERVAL</font>];
                waitRetry --> sendRequest;

    targetReady --> processEnd((End));
    class processEnd violet;

    programTerminated[Program terminated or canceled] --> processEnd;
    class programTerminated error;

class processStart,createRequest,addHeaders,addSkipTLS,sendRequest,checkTimeout,checkStatusCode,statusMatch,targetReady,targetNotReady,waitRetry,programTerminated,processEnd,MainFlow,RetryLoop noFill;
class MainFlow,RetryLoop transparent;

ICMP Check

Click here to see the flowchart
flowchart TD;
    direction TB
    classDef noFill fill:none;
    classDef violet stroke:#9775fa;
    classDef green stroke:#2f9e44;
    classDef error stroke:#fa5252;
    classDef decision stroke:#1971c2;
    classDef transparent stroke:none,font-size:20px;

    subgraph MainFlow[ ]
        direction TB
        processStart((Start)) --> createRequest[Create ICMP request for <font color=orange>TARGET_ADDRESS</font>];
        class start processStart;

        createRequest --> sendRequest[Send ICMP request];

        subgraph RetryLoop[Retry Loop]
            subgraph InnerLoop[ ]
                direction TB
                sendRequest --> checkTimeout{Answers within timeouts <font color=orange>DIAL_TIMEOUT</font>/<font color=orange>ICMP_READ_TIMEOUT</font>?};

                checkTimeout -->|Connection successful| targetReady[Target is ready];
                checkTimeout -->|Connection failed| waitRetry[Wait for retry <font color=orange>CHECK_INTERVAL</font>];
                waitRetry --> sendRequest;


    targetReady --> processEnd((End));
    class processEnd violet;

    programTerminated[Program terminated or canceled] --> processEnd;
    class programTerminated error;

class processStart,createRequest,sendRequest,checkTimeout,targetReady,waitRetry,processEnd,MainFlow,RetryLoop noFill;
class MainFlow,RetryLoop transparent;


With the LOG_EXTRA_FIELDS environment variable set to true, additional fields will be logged.

With additional fields

ts=2024-07-05T13:08:20+02:00 level=INFO msg="Waiting for PostgreSQL to become ready..." dial_timeout="1s" interval="2s" target_address="postgres.default.svc.cluster.local:5432" target_name="PostgreSQL" version="0.0.22"
ts=2024-07-05T13:08:21+02:00 level=WARN msg="PostgreSQL is not ready ✗" dial_timeout="1s" error="dial tcp: lookup postgres.default.svc.cluster.local: i/o timeout" interval="2s" target_address="postgres.default.svc.cluster.local:5432" target_name="PostgreSQL" version="0.0.22"
ts=2024-07-05T13:08:24+02:00 level=WARN msg="PostgreSQL is not ready ✗" dial_timeout="1s" error="dial tcp: lookup postgres.default.svc.cluster.local: i/o timeout" interval="2s" target_address="postgres.default.svc.cluster.local:5432" target_name="PostgreSQL" version="0.0.22"
ts=2024-07-05T13:08:27+02:00 level=WARN msg="PostgreSQL is not ready ✗" dial_timeout="1s" error="dial tcp: lookup postgres.default.svc.cluster.local: i/o timeout" interval="2s" target_address="postgres.default.svc.cluster.local:5432" target_name="PostgreSQL" version="0.0.22"
ts=2024-07-05T13:08:27+02:00 level=INFO msg="PostgreSQL is ready ✓" dial_timeout="1s" error="dial tcp: lookup postgres.default.svc.cluster.local: i/o timeout" interval="2s" target_address="postgres.default.svc.cluster.local:5432" target_name="PostgreSQL" version="0.0.22"

Without additional fields

time=2024-07-12T12:44:41.494Z level=INFO msg="Waiting for PostgreSQL to become ready..."
time=2024-07-12T12:44:41.512Z level=WARN msg="PostgreSQL is not ready ✗"
time=2024-07-12T12:44:43.532Z level=WARN msg="PostgreSQL is not ready ✗"
time=2024-07-12T12:44:45.552Z level=INFO msg="PostgreSQL is ready ✓"

Kubernetes initContainer Configuration

Configure your Kubernetes deployment to use this init container:

  - name: wait-for-vm
      - name: TARGET_ADDRESS
        value: icmp://hostname.domain.tld
    securityContext: # icmp requires CAP_NET_RAW
      readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
      allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
        add: ["CAP_NET_RAW"]
  - name: wait-for-valkey
      - name: TARGET_ADDRESS
        value: valkey.default.svc.cluster.local:6379
  - name: wait-for-valkey
      - name: TARGET_NAME
        value: Valkey
      - name: TARGET_ADDRESS
        value: valkey.default.svc.cluster.local:6379
      - name: TARGET_CHECK_TYPE
        value: tcp # Specify the type of check
      - name: CHECK_INTERVAL
        value: "5s" # Specify the interval duration, e.g., 5 seconds
      - name: DIAL_TIMEOUT
        value: "5s" # Specify the dial timeout duration, e.g., 5 seconds
      - name: LOG_EXTRA_FIELDS
        value: "true"
  - name: wait-for-postgres
      - name: TARGET_ADDRESS
        value: http://postgres.default.svc.cluster.local:9000/healthz # use healthz endpoint to check if postgres is ready
      # TARGET_NAME will be inferred from TARGET_ADDRESS to postgres.default.svc.cluster.local
      # TARGET_CHECK_TYPE is not not necessary, because TARGET_ADDRESS has a scheme (http://)
      # HTTP_METHOD is not necessary, because the default is GET
      # HTTP_EXPECTED_STATUS_CODES is not necessary, because the default is 200 and /healthz returns 200 if the service is ready
      # CHECK_INTERVAL defaults to 2 seconds which is okay for a health check
      # DIAL_TIMEOUT defaults to 1 second which is okay for a health check
  - name: wait-for-webapp
      - name: TARGET_NAME
        value: webapp
      - name: TARGET_ADDRESS
        value: webapp.default.svc.cluster.local:8080
      - name: TARGET_CHECK_TYPE
        value: http
      - name: HTTP_METHOD
        value: "POST"
      - name: HTTP_HEADERS
        value: "Authorization=Bearer token"
        value: "200,202"
      - name: CHECK_INTERVAL
        value: "5s" # Specify the interval duration, e.g., 5 seconds
      - name: DIAL_TIMEOUT
        value: "2s" # Specify the dial timeout duration, e.g., 2 seconds


Simple application that checks if a specified TCP, HTTP or ICMP target is available.






