Simple way to add links to social networks with their logos.
bower install convoo/social-links --save
You can import and use <social-link>
and then enter the network you want to use.
Or you can import the specific network's link only and use that.
In some cases, you may want to pass the network name as a variable - that's why we built <social-link>
<social-link network="twitter" href="" height="15px" color="grey"></social-link>
<twitter-link href="" height="15px" color="grey"></twitter-link>
Currently available networks are:
- behance
- convoo
- dribbble
- github
- skype
- snapchat
- vimeo
- youtube
<twitter-link href="" height="15px"></twitter-link>
<vimeo-link href="" height="15px"></vimeo-link>
<skype-link href="" height="15px"></skype-link>
<youtube-link href="" height="15px"></youtube-link>
<linkedin-link href="" height="15px"></linkedin-link>
<behance-link href="" height="15px"></behance-link>
<pinterest-link href="" height="15px"></pinterest-link>
<facebook-link href="" height="15px"></facebook-link>
<convoo-link href="" height="15px"></convoo-link>
<snapchat-link href="" height="15px"></snapchat-link>
<github-link href="" height="15px"></github-link>
<instagram-link href="" height="15px"></instagram-link>
<dribbble-link href="" height="15px"></dribbble-link>
First, make sure you have the Polymer CLI installed. Then run polymer serve
to serve your application locally.
$ polymer serve
$ polymer build
This will create a build/
folder with bundled/
and unbundled/
containing a bundled (Vulcanized) and unbundled builds, both run through HTML,
CSS, and JS optimizers.
You can serve the built versions by giving polymer serve
a folder to serve
$ polymer serve build/bundled
$ polymer test
Your application is already set up to be tested via web-component-tester. Run polymer test
to run your application's test suite locally.