This CiviCRM extension re-routes SparkPost webhooks to the final site. This is useful for when using SparkPost subaccounts and you only have one webhook configured (you cannot really have multiple webhooks anyway, since SparkPost will call all of them for all events).
This extension does not supplement, but rather complements, the excellent SparkPost extension by CiviDesk (
- CiviCRM >= 4.7
- PHP 5.6
If installing from source, you must have composer and run "composer install".
Configure a cron job along the following lines: /10 * * * * /usr/bin/env php /usr/local/bin/drush -u 1 cvapi Sparkpostrouter.process_messages
where is your central CRM where you have contact records for all your clients, and where you store the webhook URL of the client (the extension does not hardcode the webhook, because it depends on whether the site is bilingual, Drupal7/8/WP/J, etc).
- Rename API Sparkpostrouter.process_messages to Job.sparkpostrouter_process?
- Log an Activity with the exact bounce message? - for
- Reports? Graphs? (dataexplorer or civisualize)
- Status Check to monitor high bounce rates?
- Status Check to monitor that the job is running regularly
- When editing the webhook on a contact, test the webhook?
- Automatic creation of subaccounts in SparkPost?
Please post bug reports in the issue tracker of this project on github:
While we do our best to provide community support for our extensions, please consider financially contributing to support or development of this extension if you can.
Commercial support available from Coop SymbioTIC:
Distributed under the terms of the GNU Affero General public license (AGPL). See LICENSE.txt for details.
(C) 2016 Mathieu Lutfy
(C) 2016 Stéphane Lussier
(C) 2016 Coop SymbioTIC